U.S. Customary System of Measurement Chapter 3 Section 1 U.S. Customary System of Measurement
Essential Question How do we add, subtract, multiply or divide with U.S. measurements?
Weight or Mass Mass: quantity of material that makes up the object Weight: measure of the earth’s gravitational pull on the object Common U.S. measuring units = ounce, pound, and ton Conversions: 16 ounces (oz) = 1 pound (lb) 2,000 pounds (lb) = 1 ton (T)
Capacity or Volume For both liquid and dry capacity measures (dry capacity measures rarely used) Common U.S. measuring units: ounce, cup, pint, quart, and gallon Conversions: 3 teaspoons (t) = 1 tablespoon (T) 2 tablespoons (T) = 1 ounce (oz) 8 ounces (oz) = 1 cup (c) 4 cups (c) = 1 quart (qt) 2 cups (c) = 1 pint (pt) 2 pints (pt) = 1 quart (qt) 4 quarts (qt) = 1 gallon (gal)
Unit Ratio (1-21) Ratio is a fraction Unit ratio is a fraction that has a value of 1 (ex: 1 day/24 hours or 1 yd = 3 ft) Common way to say a ratio is to use the word “per” (ex: in/ft is said “inches per foot” Practice: 7 yd = ? Ft 28 ft = ? yd
Measures (23-29) Mixed Measures: measures that use two or more units Standard Notation: The number associated with each unit of measure is smaller than the number required to convert to the next larger unit Practice putting these measures in standard notation 1 mi 6375 ft 1 gal 5 qt 5 lb 25 oz 6 qt 20 oz
Addition (31 – 41) You attempt to make your own Arnold Palmer drink by adding 2 gal 2 qt 1 pt of iced tea to 3 gal 1 qt 1 pt of lemonade. What is the total volume of your Arnold Palmer?
Subtraction (43 – 55) A dump truck is loaded with 5 tons of gravel. After it unloads 570 lbs 9 oz of gravel, how much weight will it be carrying?
Multiplication (57 – 69) A recipe calls for 1 c 3 oz of mil. How much milk will you need to triple the recipe?
Division (71-85) After a party, there is 4 gal 3 qt of punch left. If the punch is divided among 3 people, how much does each one get?
Division….try again You have 8 yd 2 ft 4 in of string to make into bracelets. The bracelets need to be 7 in long. How many bracelets can you make?