Energy-Aware Proactive Routing in MANETs


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Presentation transcript:

Energy-Aware Proactive Routing in MANETs SANDEEP GUPTA Department of Computer Science and Engineering School of Computing and Informatics Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona, USA Sponsor:

Tempe, Fulton School of Engg & CSE

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Tempe, Arizona IMPACT (Intelligent Mobile Pervasive Autonomic Computing & Technologies) LAB Research Goals Enable Context-Aware Pervasive Applications Dependable Distributed Sensor Networking Projects Wireless Solution for Smart Sensors Biomedical Applications (NSF - ITR) Context-Aware Middleware for Pervasive Computing (NSF – NMI) Thermal Management Datacenters (SFAZ, NSF) Location Based Access Control (CES) Identity Assurance (NSF, CES) Mobility-Tolerant Multicast (NSF) Ayushman – Infrastructure Testbed for Sensor Based Health Monitoring (Mediserve Inc.) Group Faculty: Dr. Sandeep K. S. Gupta 1 PostDoc + 7 PhD + 2MS + 1 UG Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Tempe, Arizona Datacenter project ????? Sponsors

Pervasive Health Monitoring Criticality Aware-Systems IMPACT: Research Use-inspired research in pervasive computing & wireless sensor networking Goal: Protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks Features: Energy efficiency Increased lifetime Data aggregation Localization Caching Multicasting Sponsor: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Goal: Protect people’s identity & consumer computing from viral threats Features: PKI based Non-tamperable, non-programmable personal authenticator Hardware and VM based trust management Sponsor: ID Assurance Pervasive Health Monitoring Criticality Aware-Systems Thermal Management for Data Centers Intelligent Container Goal: Pervasive Health monitoring Evaluation of medical applications Features: Secure, Dependable and Reliable data collection, storage and communication Sponsor: Goal: Evaluation of crisis response management Features: Theoretical model Performance evaluation Access control for crisis management Sponsor: Goal: Increasing computing capacity for datacenters Energy efficiency Features: Online thermal evaluation Thermal Aware Scheduling Sponsor: Goal: Container Monitoring for Homeland Security Dynamic Supply Chain Management Features: Integration of RFID and environmental sensors Energy management Communication security Sponsor: Medical Devices, Mobile Pervasive Embedded Sensor Networks BOOK: Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Publisher: McGraw-Hill  Dec. 2004

Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) Network Model mobile nodes (PDAs, laptops etc.) multi-hop routes between nodes no fixed infrastructure Applications Battlefield operations Disaster Relief Personal area networking Multi-hop routes generated among nodes Network Characteristics Dynamic Topology Constrained resources battery power B C C A A B D D Links formed and broken with mobility

Routing in MANETs Routing Proactive Periodically maintains routes between every mobile node pair. Predefined routes available Low latency Low scalability. Hybrid Network divided in small zones. Intra-region Proactive Routing. Reactive Inter-region routing. Balances Proactive & Reactive. Scalable. Latency higher than proactive. Reactive Routes NOT maintained. Route established only if data to transmit. High Scalability. No pre-defined route. High Latency. Slide before this……basic things about mobile ad hoc networks. What is MANTE? sequential Real-time applications such as Disaster Relief and Battle-field operations require Proactive Maintenance of Routes.

Proactive Route Maintenance Number of Nodes Beacon Interval Energy Consumption per bit transmitted Average size of beacon msg Overhead Periodic beacon messages for link state maintenance. Periodic route update b’cast. Triggered route update b’cast with each link change. Bits transmitted due to beaconing per unit time E x N x logN / β E x N2 x logN / φ Bit transmitted per unit time for periodic broadcast Route Broadcast Interval E x N2 x logN for each triggered update High Energy Overhead in Maintenance Operations Low Scalability Reduces Applicability Reduce maintenance operations and find optimum β & φ to minimize energy overhead.

Proactive Protocol Classification PP+BTP PP+BP PP+B PP+BT Employs Beacons, & Periodic Updates Employs Beacons, & Triggered Updates Employs only Beacons Employs Beacons, Periodic, & Triggered Update FSR, IARP etc. WRP, OLSR etc. BFST, SS-SPST etc. DSDV, TBRPF etc. Research Goals: Developing a PP+B type of protocol maintaining energy-efficient routes. Uses Self-stabilization from Distributed Computing. Improves Self-Stabilizing Shortest Path Spanning Tree (SS-SPST) for energy-efficiency. Analytical Model for determining optimum β & φ for different proactive protocols.

Energy-Aware Self-Stabilizing Protocol

Self-stabilization in Distributed Computing Topological Changes and Node Failures for MANETs. Self-stabilizing distributed systems Guarantee convergence to valid state through local actions in distributed nodes. Ensure closure to remain in valid state until any fault occurs. Can adapt to topological changes Is it feasible for routing in MANETs? Fault Closure Valid State Invalid State Convergence Local actions in distributed nodes. Applied to Multicasting in MANETs

Self-stabilizing Multicast for MANETs source Topological Change Maintains source-based multi-cast tree. Actions based on local information in the nodes and neighbors. Pro-active neighbor monitoring through periodic beacon messages. Neighbor check at each round (with at least one beacon reception from all the neighbors) Execute actions only in case of changes in the neighborhood. Convergence Based on Local actions Problem – energy-efficiency is not considered Self-Stabilizing Shortest Path Spanning Tree (SS-SPST)

Energy-Efficiency in Self-stabilization

Energy Consumption Model Ci = Ti + Ni x R Cost metric for node i Transmission energy of node i Reception cost at all the neighbors Variable through Power Control One transmission reaches all in range Reception energy at intended neighbors. Overhearing energy at non-intended neighbors. i j k l non-intended neighbor intended neighbor Ti reaches all nodes in range i Ti No communication schedule during broadcast in random access MAC (e.g. 802.11). Overhearing at j, k, and l Ci = Ti + 7R What is the additional cost if a node selects a parent?

Energy Aware Self-Stabilizing Protocol (SS-SPST-E) Actions at each node (parent selection) Identify potential parents. Estimate additional cost after joining potential parent. Select parent with minimum additional cost. Change distance to root. Loop Detected E Not in tree F A B C D X AdditionalCost (B → X) = TB + R AdditionalCost (A → X) = TA + 2R Potential Parents of X Action Triggers Parent disconnection. Parent additional cost not minimum. Change in distance of parent to root. Select Parent with minimum Additional Cost Minimum overall cost when parent is locally selected Execute action when any action trigger is on Tree validity – Tree will remain connected with no loops.

SS-SPST-E Execution And so on …… Tolerance to topological changes. Multicast source No multicast tree parent of each node NULL. hop distance from root of each node infinity. cost of each node is Emax. 2 2 A S B 1 2 2 G 3 First Round – source (root) stabilizes hop distance of root from itself is 0. no additional cost. No potential parents for any node. 1 1 H D C 2 2 Second Round – neighbors of root stabilizes hop distance of root’s neighbors is 1. parent of root’s neighbors is root. Potential parent for A, B, C, D, F = {S}. E F 2 AdditionalCost (S → {A, B, C, D}) = Ts + 4R AdditionalCost (F → E) = TF + 2R AdditionalCost (D → E) = TD + 3R AdditionalCost (D → E) = TD + 3R And so on …… Potential parent for E = {D, F}. AdditionalCost (S → F) = Ts + 5R AdditionalCost (S → F) = TS + 5R AdditionalCost (C → F) = TC + 3R Tolerance to topological changes. Potential parent for F = {S, C}. Convergence - From any invalid state the total energy cost of the graph reduces after every round till all the nodes in the system are stabilized. Proof - through induction on round #. Closure: Once all the nodes are stabilized it stays there until further faults occur.

Simulation Model Goals performance analysis with beacon reduction. study reliability energy-efficiency trade-off. scalability study with number of receivers. comparative study to verify feasibility of self-stabilization SS-SPST – non-energy efficient self-stabilizing multicast MAODV – tree-based multicast (non self-stabilizing) ODMRP – mesh-based multicast (non self-stabilizing) NS-2 used for simulating 50 nodes placed at random positions Random way-point mobility model. Omni-directional antenna with power control. CBR packets @ 64Kbps. Performance Measures: Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) - for reliability Energy Consumed / Packet Delivered - for energy efficiency Goal of the simulation

Simulation Results – Varying Beacon Interval PDR decreases with less beaconing

Simulation Results – Varying Beacon Interval Energy consumption per packet delivered increases due to decrease in number of packets delivered.

Simulation Results – Varying Node Mobility 1m/s 5m/s 10m/s 15m/s 20m/s Low packet delivery with high dynamicity ODMRP has high PDR due to redundant routes

Simulation Results – Varying Node Mobility 1m/s 5m/s 10m/s 15m/s 20m/s SS-SPST-E leads to energy-efficiency ODMRP has high overhead to generate redundant routes

Simulation Results - Varying Multicast Group Size 10 20 30 40 50 Self-stabilizing protocols scale better. MAODV has highest delay due to reactive tree construction

Simulation Results - Varying Multicast Group Size 10 20 30 40 50 ODMRP leads to high control overhead and less PDR.

Analytical Model

Periodic Broadcast based on Link Dynamics (LD) Determines optimum φ [Samar ‘06]. periodic b’cast of route update only when link changes. Optimum β and scalability needs to be considered. Requirement for Application Parameters considerations Traffic – route maintenance can be reduced for low traffic. Reliability Requirements Measured in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). PDR = Total Number of Delivered Packets / Total Packets Transmitted Route maintenance can be reduced for low PDR.

Goals Balance Proactivity based on Application Parameters. Minimize Energy Overhead. Maintain Reliability. Improve Scalability.

Contributions Analytical Model determining optimum beacon and route update intervals. Analysis applied to all classes of protocols.

Assumptions & System Model Network Parameters Link changes Poisson distributed (avg. rate = ) [Samar ‘06]. Avg. rate of triggered update depends on  and β. determines overhead for triggered b’cast. Packet loss due to delay in route reconstruction. Link reliability assumed. No packet re-transmission. Disconnection 1 Triggered Update Disconnection 2 Disconnection 3 Disconnection 4 1/  k Average interval between consecutive triggered update Delay in route reconstruction Application Parameters Bulk Poisson Traffic Model (avg. rate = ). Voice/Audio/Video/Media Traffic. PDR requirement () known. Packet loss dependent on route reconstruction delay PROBLEM: Determine optimum  = f(, N, , ) &  = g(, N, , ).

Analytical Model Objective Function Constraints Optimization

Objective Function: Overhead Energy Cost of Triggered B’cast Cost of Periodic B’cast Cost of Beacons PP+BTP N ¯ d l o g e E + D N 2 ¹ 1 + k ¯ d l o g e E + N 2 ' d l o g e E E O v = PP+BP N ¯ d l o g e E + E O v = N 2 ' d l o g e E PP+BT + D N 2 ¹ 1 + k ¯ d l o g e E E O v = N ¯ d l o g e E PP+B E O v = N ¯ d l o g e E

Constraints PDR Constraint Capacity Constraint P = Probability of packet loss due to each link failure. PDR = (1 - P)D. (1 - P)D >= . Find P = function of , , β, φ. Capacity Constraint Control Traffic. Data Traffic. P

Probability of Packet Loss (P) CASE I: Link disconnection rate greater than traffic generation rate Route-reconstruction delay MUST be less than consecutive link disconnections in the route. P1 =  x route-reconstruction delay Delay in route reconstruction CASE II: Link disconnection rate less than traffic generation rate Route-reconstruction delay MUST be less than average interval between consecutive packets. P2 =  x route-reconstruction delay Delay in route reconstruction P = P1 x prob of CASE I + P2 x prob of CASE II =  x route-reconstruction delay PDR Constraint: route-reconstruction delay <= [1 – 1/D] / 

Optimization Step 1: route-reconstruction delay in terms of β and φ. Link Disconnection Valid Route Establishment Beacons Not Received Beacons Route-reconstruction delay  k  Step 2: take the equality of the PDR constraint optimum value at the boundary. one variable represented in terms of other. objective re-written as a convex function of one variable. Worst case route-reconstruction delay = kβ + φ + end-to-end broadcast delay. Step3: non-linear optimization of the objective equate first order derivative to 0. the resulting equation solved second order derivative checked for +ve slope.

Optimizations for different Proactive Protocols PP+BTP PP+BP PP+BT PP+B Employs Beacons, Periodic, & Triggered Updates DSDV, TBRPF etc. 1st Derivative Quartic equation Employs Beacons, & Periodic Updates FSR, IARP etc. 1st Derivative Quadratic equation Employs Beacons, & Triggered Updates WRP, OLSR etc. Single variable Equating PDR constraint gives the result Employs Beacons BFST, SS-SPST etc. Single variable Equating PDR constraint gives the result 1 > ¯ o p t ¸ ¡ D ® + ¤ d r e c k ³ N 3 ´ ' µ ¶ ' o p t = 1 ¡ D ­ N + k ¯ ( ) ¯ o p t = 1 ¡ D ­ k ¯ o p t = 1 ¡ D µ k + P i c ¶ ­

Optimum Periods w.r.t. link change PP+BP PP+B PP+BT LD PP+BTP PP+BP PP+BTP

Optimum Periods w.r.t. traffic intensity PP+B PP+BT LD PP+BP PP+BTP PP+BP PP+BTP

Optimum Periods w.r.t. Network Size Decrease Periodic Update Frequency Decreases broadcast. Increases Scalability. Increase beacon frequency to meet PDR Constraint.

Conclusions & Future Work SS-SPST-E provides energy-efficiency and self-stabilization. High adaptability to topological changes. Self-stabilization leads to scalability. Novel analytical model presented for optimization of maintenance operations in Proactive Routing Protocols for MANETs. Minimizes overhead Maintains Reliability Improves Scalability. Reduces wastage for low traffic & mobility. Future Work Application of β & φ optimization for other proactive protocols Local stabilization Comparison with other energy-efficient protocols

List of Publications T. Mukherjee, S. K. S. Gupta, and G. Varsamopoulos, Analytical Model for Optimizing Periodic Route Maintenance in Proactive Routing for MANETs, To appear in Proc of ACM MSWiM, Crete Island, Greece, Oct 2007. To appear. T. Mukherjee, G. Sridharan, S. K. S. Gupta, Energy-Aware Self-Stabilization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Multicasting Case Study, 21st IEEE Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Long Beach, California, 26-30th March 2007. S. K. S. Gupta and P. K. Srimani, Self-Stabilizing Multicast Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 63(1), pp. 87-96, 2003.

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