GRSC Chair: Cheryl Blum (TIA) SOURCE: GRSC Secretary TITLE: Report of GRSC Meeting AGENDA ITEM: CONTACT: John Derr, [GSC11_Closing_06] Report of GRSC Meeting GRSC Chair: Cheryl Blum (TIA) GRSC Vice Chairs: Kohei Satoh (ARIB); Adrian Scrase (ETSI) Secretary: John Derr
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications GRSC Overview 36 Attendees. 41 Input documents presented and discussed. High Interest Subjects: Location-based Services RF Exposure and Measurement Uncertainties Wireless Access including RLANs and ad hoc Networking Intelligent Transportation Systems Radio Microphones Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) & RF Identification Devices (RFID) Software-defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Public Protection and Disaster Relief Global UWB Other Topics: Digital Broadcasting including Mobile Multimedia Applications Satellite services Communications on aircraft GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: Location-based Services Issues discussed: Presentation (ETSI) on location services support –(grsc_07) Presentation (TIA) from Joint on Emergency Communications – (grsc_32; grsc11/joint_39) Presentation (TIA) from Joint on RFID (grsc_40; grsc11/joint_44) Presentation (ATIS) on location-based services (grsc_23) Main Outcome: Standardization work continues in ATIS, ETSI, TIA, 3GPP, 3GPP2, IETF and other fora; encouraged EPC Global as observer Presentations discussed LBS applications (e.g., tracking, network enhancing services) as well as government mandated types of public safety services Still agreed as HIS but no need for resolution Resolution: None GRSC-12 HIS: Retained as HIS for GSC-12 (ATIS Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: RF Exposure and Measurement Uncertainties Issues discussed: Presentation (IEEE)—Update on Standards Activities (grsc_16) Presentation (ETSI)—Update on GSC-10/05 (grsc_24r1) Main Outcome: More Separation desirable between EMF areas and measurement uncertainty areas Discussed separation of GSC-10/05 into two resolutions Resolution: Resolution GSC-10/05 was revised for RF Exposure Drafted New Resolution for Measurement Uncertainties and Calibration GRSC-12 HIS: Retained, but now two separate HIS for GSC-12 (ETSI Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: Wireless Access including RLANs and ad hoc Networking Issues discussed: Presentation (ITU-R)--Developments on BWA Standards (grsc_02) Presentation (ETSI)--BRAN Update (grsc_05) Presentation (ETSI)--DECT Update (grsc_06) Presentation (ARIB)—Wireless LAN and Fixed Wireless Access in Japan (grsc_15) Presentation (IEEE)—Activity Update (grsc_17) Presentation (TTA)—WiBro Standardization since GSC-10 (grsc_20) Presentation (TIA)—Wireless Networking for Healthcare Environments [NIST] (grsc_41) Presentation (TIA)—WLAN Standardization Update (grsc_45) Main Outcome: Comprehensive update of wireless access developments since GSC-10 Presented applicability of home networking for health care Resolution: No update necessary to GSC-10/06 GSC-12 HIS: Retained as HIS for GSC-12 (ISACC Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: Intelligent Transportation Systems Issues discussed: Presentation (IEEE)—Update on ITS activities (grsc_18) Presentation (TIA)—Update on ITS communications efforts (grsc_26r1 and 26a1) Presentation (TIA)—Proposed Resolution Update to GSC-10 on Automotive crash notification (grsc_34) Presentation (TIA)—Resolution on Wide-Area Vehicle Safety Messenging (grsc_35r1) Presentation (TIA)--Resolution on TELEMOV Vehicle Safety Communications (grsc_37r3) Main Outcome: updated resolution on ACN from GSC-10 prepared by drafting group resolution on vehicle safety communications prepared by drafting group resolution requesting for support of WSC workshop at Geneva motor show prepared by drafting group Resolution: Updated resolution on ACN (GSC-10/07) Drafted Resolution on support for vehicle safety messaging Drafted Resolution on WSC workshop at ITU APSC TELEMOV show GSC-12 HIS: Retained as HIS for GSC-12 (TIA Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: Radio Microphones Issues discussed: Presentation (ETSI)--Resolution GSC-10/08 on Radio Microphones and Cordless Audio Standards (grsc_27) Main Outcome: Continue to facilitate strong, effective global standards Continue work on issues of digital equipment and appropriate test methods Continue work on band sharing Radio Microphone working group reconstituted as Task Force Resolution: No update necessary (GSC-10/08) GSC-12 HIS: Retained as HIS for GSC-12 (ETSI Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) and RF Identification (RFID) Issues discussed: Presentation (ETSI) on RF Identification (grsc_12r1) Main Outcome: Presented work on RFID standards and codes and frequencies in use or being investigated by different countries Presented conclusions from test trials Resolution: Update existing (GSC-10/09) RFID resolution from GSC-10; drafting group to revise GSC-12 HIS: Retained as HIS for GSC-12 (ETSI Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: Software-defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Issues discussed: Presentation (ETSI) on SDRs and Terminology (grsc_13) Presentation (IEEE) on SDR activities (grsc_19) Presentation (TIA) on Unlicensed Operation in TV “white spaces” (grsc_42) Presentation (TIA)—Update on SDR and Cognitive Radio Effects (grsc_29) Main Outcome: Terms used in association with SDR vary widely Need to clarify definitions to avoid confusion Sources for terminology include ETSI/EU Commission, ITU-R, TIA/FCC Resolution: Agreed to draft resolution to develop common terminology and definition for GSC use GSC-12 HIS: Maintained as HIS for GSC-12 (TIA Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) Issues discussed: Presentation (ETSI) on PPDR Spectrum Usage in Europe (grsc_08) Presentation (TIA) on Spectrum for PPDR, TIA Regulatory Update (grsc_43) Presentation (TIA) on PPDR including Project MESA (grsc_30, 30a1) Main Outcome: Discussed incorporating SDR/Cognitive functions in PPDR radio equipment May require stringent standards for SDR Encourage PSOs to cooperate on broadband communications standards for public safety via participation in Project MESA or otherwise; liaise with ITU as appropriate Resolution: Drafting group to investigate consolidation of PPDR (GSC-10/10) and emergency communications (GSC-10/02) resolutions into single resolution Two separate resolutions were retained, both were modified GSC-12 HIS: (At this time) Maintained as HIS for GSC-12 (TIA Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications HIS: Global UWB Issues discussed: Presentation (ITU)—ITU-R Developments on UWB (grsc_03) Presentation (ETSI)—Update on Global Ultra Wide Band (grsc_09) Presentation (ETSI)—Proposed revision of Resolution GSC-10/11 (grsc_22) Main Outcome: Proposed Revision of Resolution GSC-10/11 to include UWB radar and sensor/imaging applications Discussed advantages of globally harmonized regulations Resolution: Supported update to GSC-10 Global UWB resolution (GSC-10/11) GSC-12 HIS: Retained as HIS for GSC-12 (ETSI Prime) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Other Topic: Digital Broadcasting including mobile multimedia applications Issues discussed: Presentation (TTA) on Standardization Status of TTA T-DMB (grsc_21r1) Presentation (TIA) on TIA Input to TSB Director’s Meeting on IPTV (grsc_33; joint gsc11_joint 51) Presentation (TIA)—Mobile Multimedia Draft Resolution for HIS (grsc_38r1) Reference to (ARIB)—Opening plenary (gsc11_07) Main Outcome: Discussed various techniques for mobile TV Presented mobile multimedia applications including use for emergency alert capabilities Resolution: Drafting Group to prepare resolution for new HIS GSC-12 HIS new HIS (Prime to be determined) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Other Topic: Satellite services Issues discussed: Presentation (ETSI) on Satellite services (grsc_10) Main Outcome: New application in satellite services were noted Standards work in ETSI/TC SES, TIA TR-34.1, ITU-R WP 4B, ITU-T SG 13, IETF, SatLabs Resolution: none GSC-12: Retained as other topic in GRSC GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Other Topic: Communications onboard aircraft Issues discussed: Presentation (ETSI) on GSM aboard aircraft (grsc_11) Presentation (TIA) on Spectrum Auctions, Regulatory Update (grsc_44) Main Outcome: ETSI work on GSM onboard aircraft focused on conformance with R&TTE Directive (1999\5\EC) for radio equipment Encourage PSOs to examine ETSI’s work and for PSOs to share information on standards development work in this area (including interoperability issues, spectrum allocations, etc.) Resolution: none GSC-12: Retained as other topic in GRSC GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Input to ITU, Including WRC Main Outcome: Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Resolution may assist ITU with their work in IPTV and digital broadcasting (including mobile multimedia applications) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications List of Subjects for GSC-12_GRSC Proposed List of HIS subjects for GSC-12 Location-based services RF exposure Measurement uncertainties and calibration Wireless Access including RLANs and ad hoc networking Intelligent Transportation Systems Radio Microphones Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) and RF Identification Devices (RFID) Software-defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) Global UWB Mobile multimedia broadcast and multicast Retained as other topics Satellite services Communications onboard aircraft GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications