An Overview of IPTV Standards Development Julien Maisonneuve, Muriel Deschanel, Juergen Heiles, Wei Li, Hong Liu, Randy Sharpe, and Yiyan Wu IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING, VOL. 55, NO. 2, JUNE 2009 Reporter: Lin , Xuan-Wei
Outline Introduction IPTV standardization activities Conclusion
Introduction An Opening Marketing Differences Between TV , IPTV , Web TV IPTV and Standards Structure of IPTV Systems
An Opening Marketing The bandwidth requirements of video transmission make it one of, if not the most, demanding mass-market telecommunication applications to date IP is the same for the Internet connection and IPTV, it enables a more fluid mix of services that can share the available bandwidth more consistently
Differences Between TV , IPTV , Web TV Terrestrial broadcasting TV Cable TV Satellite TV IPTV Service not guaranteed Guaranteed QoS Guaranteed QoS/QoE One way(no limit interactive) Two way(limit interactive) Two way(very limit interactive) Two way(full interactive) Simultaneous channel streams Select channel bundles No management Billing..etc DRM , billing ..etc All content flow downstream Some content flow downstream Content remain in network No user centric Limit user centric(VoD) User centric(PVR,NPVR,VoD) Broadcast all channels all the time Broadcast only channels being watch at given time Limited content unlimited content
Differences Between TV , IPTV , Web TV Internet TV IPTV Potentially supranational or worldwide Local(limit operator coverage) PC oriented (file transferring) TV oriented (real time) Depend on coding Real SDTV/HDTV High level viewer involvement Low level viewer involvement Best effort quality , QoS not guaranteed Controlled QoS , “broadcast” TV quality PC Set-top box with a television display unsafe Users are authenticated and protected Content usually is unprotected Media is protected Any users(generally unknown) Known customers with known IP address and Known locations
Structure of IPTV Systems
IPTV standardization activities IPTV standard development at DVB project ETSI TISPAN ATIS IIF ITU-T IPTV Focus Group and GSI Open IPTV Forum
IPTV standard development at DVB project Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) DVB-IPTV 1.4 handbook published by ETSI as TS102 034 v1.4.1 It specify technologies on the interface between an IP network and a Home Network End Device (HNED) The specification covers several types of IPTV services , such as Live Media Broadcast (i.e. TV or radio services),Content on Demand, and content download services.
IPTV standard development at DVB project Mechanism Service Protocol System Network Profile DVB-IPTV 1.4 handbook key functionalities 分類
IPTV standard development at DVB project Mechanism: The Service Discovery and Selection (SD&S) mechanism for DVB based A/V services over bi-directional IP networks An optional retransmission mechanism (RET) to provide for protection against packet loss of DVB-IPTV services carried over RTP transport
IPTV standard development at DVB project Service: The delivery of DVB MPEG-2 TS based services over bi-directional IP networks Quality of Service is covered, based on Differentiated Services The delivery of Content Download Services (CDSs). Discovery of Broadband Content Guides
IPTV standard development at DVB project Protocol: The use of command and control application-level protocol RTSP to control CoD services and optionally to join multicast services. An optional protocol for Application Layer FEC (AL-FEC) protection of streaming media for DVB-IPTV services carried over RTP transport
IPTV standard development at DVB project System: File Upload System Stub (FUSS) Remote Management and Firmware Update System for DVB-IPTV Services (RMS-FUS) specification network: The assignment of an IP Address to a Home Network End Device (HNED) to get onto the network
IPTV standard development at DVB project Profiles: (ETSI TS102 826 [7] defines ) A basic profile to accommodate existing IPTV deployments of live TV services Live Media Broadcast profile Content on Demand profile Content Download profile
IPTV standard development at DVB project IPI-1: IP Infrastructure-1 Home network reference model
IPTV standard development at DVB project Relationship between profile, module, option and extension
ETSI TISPAN European Telecommunications Standards Institute Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking
ETSI TISPAN adapt existing IETF protocols to an NGN environment Dedicated IPTV adapt existing IETF protocols to an NGN environment IMS-Based IPTV reuse the IMS machinery for providing IPTV services
ETSI TISPAN (Dedicated IPTV) system protocol Security quality service Dedicated IPTV 需求分類
ETSI TISPAN (Dedicated IPTV) Network: adaptation for NGN Protocol: based on proven IETF protocols (HTTP, RTSP, IGMP) Security: Authentication needs to be supported within the dedicated IPTV subsystem NGN elements used to store user profiles (UPSF)
ETSI TISPAN (Dedicated IPTV) Quality: control network characteristics QoS (NASS and RACS) Service: supports 3 types of IPTV services: Broadcast Content on demand NPVR(network personal video recorder)
ETSI TISPAN (Dedicated IPTV) NGN : Next Generation Network UPSF : User profile server function UDF : User data function SD&S : Service discovery and selection UDAF : User data access function NASS : Network attachment subsystem RACS : Resource and admission control subsystem TISPAN dedicated IPTV architecture
ETSI TISPAN (IMS-Based IPTV) system manage security Network service IMS-Based IPTV需求分類
ETSI TISPAN (IMS-Based IPTV) System: use of the core IMS take advantage of the benefits of the 3GPP IMS Manage: manages most interactions through the SIP(session initiation Protocol)
ETSI TISPAN (IMS-Based IPTV) Security: implicit authentication Network: roaming across IMS networks natural interfacing to NGN components Service: supports 3 types of IPTV services: Broadcast Content on demand NPVR(network personal video recorder)
ETSI TISPAN (IMS-Based IPTV) IMS : IP Multimedia Subsystem CoD : Content on Demand BC : Broadcast PVR : Personal Video Recorder SDF : Service Discovery Function UE : User Equipment MCF : Media Control Function SCF : Service Control Function MDF : Media Delivery Function TISPAN IMS-based IPTV architecture
ATIS IIF ATIS : The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions IIF: IPTV Interoperability Forum IIF Mission/Scope: enables the interoperability, interconnection, and implementation of IPTV systems/services by developing ATIS standards and facilitating related technical activities
ATIS IIF scope of the work in the IIF: Coordinate standards activities that relate to IPTV technologies Develop self-consistent ATIS standards Provide a venue for interoperability activities Provide a venue for the development of standards and other documents for IPTV systems/services
ATIS IIF (Accomplishments) security architecture System quality Management network Service protocol Metadata ATIS IIF 已完成的standard
ATIS IIF (Accomplishments) Security: IPTV DRM Interoperability Requirements Secure Download Interoperability Specification Application Level Interfaces (API) Interoperability Specification IPTV Digital Rights Management (DRM) Requirements Update Certificate Trust Management Hierarchy
ATIS IIF (Accomplishments) IIF Default Scrambling Algorithm Security Robustness Rules Distribution of Content in the Subscriber’s Authorized Service Domain Standard Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate Format
ATIS IIF (Accomplishments) Architecture: IPTV Architecture Requirements IPTV Architecture Roadmap IPTV High Level Architecture System: Emergency Alert Provisioning Specifications IPTV Emergency Alert System (EAS) Metadata Requirements
ATIS IIF (Accomplishments) Quality: Framework for QoS Metrics and Measurements Supporting IPTV Services QoS Metrics for Linear Broadcast IPTV QoS Metrics and Measurements for Public Services EPSNR Trial Use Categorized Listing of Fault Modes for IPTV Management: Remote Management of Devices in the Consumer Domain for IPTV Service
ATIS IIF (Accomplishments) Network: IPTV Packet Loss Issue Report Network Attachment and Initialization of Devices and Client Discovery of IPTV Services IPTV Multicast Network Service Specification Service: IPTV Linear/Broadcast Service
ATIS IIF (Accomplishments) Protocol: Media Protocols Specification Metadata: IPTV EPG Metadata Specification Consumer Domain Configuration Metadata Requirements Specification IPTV Metadata Consumer Requirements Specification
ITU-T IPTV Focus Group and GSI ITU-T:International Telecommunications Union—Telecommunication IPTV Focus Group (FG IPTV) IPTV Focus Group coordinate and promote the development of global IPTV standards taking into account the existing work of the ITU study groups as well as Standards Developing Organizations
ITU-T IPTV Focus Group and GSI goals of FG IPTV were developed: Definition of IPTV Review and gap analysis of existing standards and ongoing works Coordination of existing standardization activities Harmonization of the development of new standards Encourage interoperability with existing systems where possible
ITU-T IPTV Focus Group and GSI FG IPTV and IPTV GSI compositions
ITU-T IPTV Focus Group and GSI achievements towards IPTV standardization Definition of IPTV IPTV Domains IPTV Architectural Approaches IPTV Functional Architecture Quality of Experience (QoE) Dimensions
ITU-T IPTV Focus Group and GSI IPTV architectural overview
ITU-T IPTV Focus Group and GSI QoE dimensions
Open IPTV Forum Focus on the development of open standard single specification that covers all aspects of end-to-end solutions for IPTV and multimedia services delivered both via Managed Networks and the Open Internet
Open IPTV Forum Open IPTV forum scope
Open IPTV Forum Release 1: (complete) Scheduled Content service Content on demand Personal video recording Integration communication service Chatting Messaging Interactive application Using in TV
Open IPTV Forum Release 2: (producing) Enhance interactive function Tighter integration communication service function New advertising feature Using in TV , PC , PDA ,mobile phone
Conclusions 本篇論文提出五個Standard IPTV standard development at DVB project ETSI TISPAN ATIS IIF ITU-T IPTV Focus Group and GSI Open IPTV Forum 要選擇實作出來,應該挑選較多人用的規格.並且統整出其發展方向,並找出不完善的地方,加以改進
Conclusions ETSI TISPAN 因為歐規的standard是以最先進的網路制定的,所以重這方面來發展與改進比較符合時勢所趨 adapt existing IETF protocols to an NGN environment reuse the IMS machinery for providing IPTV services 因為歐規的standard是以最先進的網路制定的,所以重這方面來發展與改進比較符合時勢所趨