Understanding Slavery in America The Antebellum Era
Your Assignment: Work as a class to discuss the characteristics of the South and their dependence on the “peculiar institution” of slavery. The following slides contain resources to help inspire your discussion. You should only spend about 2 minutes on each slide. Everyone must participate. It is up to you as a class to make sure this happens.
Political Motivations Discuss the characteristics of the South and their dependence on the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Political Motivations
Early Emancipation in the North
Missouri Compromise, 1820
Discuss the characteristics of the South and their dependence on the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Economics
Southern Agriculture
Changes in Cotton Production “Cotton is King” 1820 1860 Changes in Cotton Production
Value of Cotton Exports As % of All US Exports
Slaves Using the Cotton Gin
Slave Auction: Charleston, SC-1856
Discuss the characteristics of the South and their dependence on the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Social
Southern Society Hierarchy “Slavocracy” [plantation owners] 6,000,000 The “Plain Folk” [white yeoman farmers] Black Freemen 250,000 Black Slaves 3,200,000 Total US Population 23,000,000 [9,250,000 in the South = 40%]
Slave-Owning Population (1850)
Slave-Owning Families (1850)
Southern Population
Slave Life
Different Perspectives Discuss the characteristics of the South and their dependence on the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Different Perspectives
Southern Pro-Slavery Propaganda
“SAMBO” pattern of behavior used as a charade in front of whites [the innocent, laughing black man caricature – bulging eyes, thick lips, big smile, etc.].
Slave Rebellions in the Antebellum South: Nat Turner, 1831