OUT vs. TOUCH Off player Off object Net Referee stand Pole antennae
NET HAPPENINGS Contacting a ball in the net Reaching across the net and bring a ball back to your side Team Z complete it’s 3 hits, ball is rebounding off the net, Player from Team X catches the ball as it is falling towards the floor Team A blocks a ball on Team C side as the ball is coming down it hits a Player on Team A on the foot. Team D Player crosses centerline extension and runs into Player from Team Q attempting to play the ball
SERVE ISSUES Toss and Drop Tossed ball hits a backboard or basketball net Served ball hits a teammate in the head. Libero serves in more than one position
LIBERO ACTIONS Coach does not designate Contrasting jersey Illegal exchange Changing form game to game Injury re-designation
MEDICAL SITUATION Pre-match Injury Blood Injury during play Exceptional Substitution Injury Time-out