ALTERNATING POSSESSION AND ARROW In all jump-ball situations, other than the start of the game and extra period(s), the teams will alternate taking the ball out of bounds for a throw-in. The team obtaining control from the jump establishes the alternating-possession procedure, and the arrow is set toward the opponent’s basket.
SETTING THE ARROW Establishing Control Do not confuse establishing control for purposes of setting the A/P arrow with Player Control/Team Control Remember a team must establish control for the process to begin Player establishes control after jump (set arrow) When ball is placed at disposal of thrower in after: Violation during jump ball Violation after tap, non-jumper causes ball to go out of bounds
SETTING THE ARROW The free throws for a non-common foul Technical foul, prior to jump that starts game or extra period Intentional personal foul that occurs during jump ball Common foul when the bonus free throw is not in effect: Start of game, extra period Set arrow to opponents basket when ball is placed at disposal of thrower-in The ball is placed at disposal of the free thrower after a common foul that occurs during a jump ball while bonus is in effect (extra period). Set arrow to opponent’s basket when ball is placed at disposal of free-thrower.
UNUSUAL SITUATION Jumper catches ball before jump ball ends Award ball to the opponent of the jumper who caught the ball Set arrow immediately toward the basket of the jumper who violated
A/P SITUATIONS RULE 6.3 Fouls and Violations that trigger the Procedure: Held ball Ball out of bounds Double free-throw violation Double personal/technical foul Ball lodges on attempt for goal. Opponents commit simultaneous goaltending or basket interference violations Opponents commit simultaneous personal/technical fouls Ball becomes dead, neither team is in control and no goal or infraction, end of quarter/extra period is involved
REVERSING THE ARROW RULE 6.3 When the arrow is reversed: The A/P throw in ends: When ball touches or is touched by a player inbounds The throw in team violates If A/P throw in team violates they lose the ball and arrow If a foul occurs during A/P Penalize the foul Throw-in team keeps the arrow
VIOLATIONS THAT CAUSE LOSS OF ARROW Loss of Arrow when: Leave designated spot Consume 5 sec. Fail to pass ball directly onto court for touch by another before going out of bounds Carry the ball onto the court Touching ball inbounds before it touches or is touched by another player Throw ball into basket Ball lodges
VIOLATIONS THAT CAUSE LOSS OF ARROW UNUSUAL SITUATIONS A1 Violates Team A’s A/P throw-in Team B gets ball as results of violation Team A loses arrow as violation occurred during A/P throw-in
OTHER IMPORTANT NOTES Record of A/P arrow must be kept in scorebook A/P arrow is switched at halftime by the Referee & Scorer – Prior to leaving the court A/P arrow mistakes are NOT correctable errors Once Throw-in ends – it is too late to correct the mistake allowing the wrong team to make the throw-in If timeout is awarded to correct A/P mistake and no mistake is recognized Team is charge with a timeout