6 Themes for APES Human population growth Sustainability Global Perspectives Urban World People & Nature Science & Values
1) Human Population Growth AD1 – 100 mill people 1960 – 3 bill people Today – 7 billion people Future ????? 9 billion -Why the population increase ?? What would prevent this increase ??-
Largest environmental problem. Why?? Human Population !!!!!! Largest environmental problem. Why??
Most Environmental damage is directly or indirectly the result of the large # of people on this earth…. Q – How many people can the Earth sustain? What is carrying capacity? What factors does this depend on?
Carrying capacity The max. # of individuals of a species that can be sustained by an environment w/o decreasing the capacity of the env. To sustain the same amount in the future
2) Sustainability Managing natural resources and the environment to ensure that future generations have equal opportunity to enjoy the resources as we currently do today.
2 kinds of sustainability Sustainable resource harvest: Same quantity of resource can be harvested each year, for an unlimited amount of time, without decreasing the ability of the resource to produce the same harvest level Ex: fish, grain, lumber
Sustainable Ecosystem An ecosystem from which we are harvesting a resource, that is able to maintain its functions and properties. Ex: All aspects that play into the health of the ecosystem.
3) Global Perspective We are now a global society. We HAVE to look at environmental problems and solutions from a worldwide perspective.
4) Urban World Urbanization has a LARGE effect on the environment Filling in of wetlands Paving over/through various ecosystems Sprawling over agricultural lands
5) People and Nature There is a direct correlation between the two PEOPLE effect NATURE NATURE effects PEOPLE
6) Science and Values Values Science Choosing how we want our environment to be Science Obtaining the goal
Science and values Based on 8 justifications Utilitarian Aesthetic Inspirational Moral Ecological Recreational Creative Cultural