New Victory Begins by choosing better relationships


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Presentation transcript:

New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” [1 Corinthians 15:57] [read the scripture with me]

Victory Finishing a time of prayer and fasting for new victory. And God has begun it He has planted the seeds in the ground They are there. They are real. Eyes may not see them. Now it is time to nourish & protect the soil around the seed And that happens through our choices in relationships as we follow Christ So let’s get to it!

To have Christ’s ongoing victory you need better frenemies Christ’s ongoing and growing victory is dependent on this Without the right frenemies in your life – the seed will never get to grow and have a full life in you What is a frenemy New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

“Frenemy” Someone who is: a friend to your soul, and an enemy of your sin World uses this world to talk about someone who is acting like your friend but not I’m using it as a word to describe your very best and truest friend Someone who loves you enough to be an enemy to your sin that will deceive and destroy you and all the good God put in your life Another way to say it . . . New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

“Frenemy” Someone who: energizes God’s ways in your life & discourages sinful/selfish ways They don’t put up with pride and lies in your life Bible talks about having this person in your life all the time New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

“Wounds from a [true] friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” (Pr 27:6) “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” ( Pr. 11:14) “He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers.” (Pr 19:8) Someone who truly loves you Someone who will tell you like it is in God’s eyes So that your soul will prosper

Jesus is your “Frenemy” Jesus is a friend to your soul and worst enemy of your sin He loved you enough to die for your sin He’s an enemy enough of your sin to ask you to die to your self Look at how He was a frenemy to Peter in Matthew 16 (funny) New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. (Mt 16:17-18)  Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” (Mt 16:23) Jesus blessed Peter’s connection with God Jesus cursed Peter’s connection with Satan No one was more faithful to Peter And no one confronted so much in him Well, its great that Jesus does that but then look what he asks of us . . .

“A new command I give you: Love one another “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (Jn 13:34) He calls us to be frenemies! To love each other the same Today – why, how and what of frenemies Frenemies will grow the victory of your soul and defeat the slavery of sin First why? New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

Making better frenemies needs to be a higher priority in 2017 for you because: You can’t trust you! Look at this leadership quote New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

“People who lead themselves well know a secret: they can’t trust themselves.” ~John Maxwell “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” ~ Jesus (Lk 9:23) Jesus – don’t trust you – deny your instincts (sinful nature seems natural to you) Don’t take Jesus word for it – let’s just think about this

Why you can’t trust yourself You’re selfish Body of Christ You’re in pain Blind spots Insecurities Really? Shout out the answers like in the game show 6. Really – trusting yourself – How’s that working out for you? / over time-family 5. Blind spots – can’t see back of my head – you can (every week) In your life – things people see but you don’t WHY? – Mostly Pride – how satan keeps generations from blessing each other 4. Body of Christ – you are one part – you were never every part – you need others 3. Insecurities – (FEAR) – worst way to make a decision Satan – manipulates your insecurities all the time Makes you give up in living in faith 2. You’re in pain – impossible to see correctly in pain Pain distorts more than anything else See in couples on brink of divorse – hurt each other so much Not just now – but rewrites their past – not in love – you were Pain – why we need JESUS THE HEALER You’re selfish Sinful nature – natural for you to only think of yourself Hurt others to get what you want Always hurt yourself most (BBALL – hurt myself – no one else) SO I NEED A FRENEMY TO PROTECT ME FROM ME!!!! SO MY SOUL CAN PROSPER That’s the why. How about the what – what does a frenemy really do Why you can’t trust yourself

A true frenemy will: #5 Rejoice with you #4 Recover with you #3 Really pray God’s will for you Rejoice in God - #5 because lots of people will do that #4 – Recover – be by your side #4 – because some will do this misery loves company don’t know how to get out of pain but great with you in pain (feed it – #3 Really pray – not just say pray not for you to just feel better – soul to be better - to not just get through but get the good God is giving you NEXT SLIDE – like to be your frenemy New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

Pastor Shawn wants to be your “Frenemy” Please send me an updated picture for my personal 2017 Cornerstone family prayer book New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

A true frenemy will: #5 Rejoice with you #4 Recover with you #3 Really pray God’s will for you #2 Refocus you #1 Rebuke sin in you Refocus – cut through world & circumstances What does God want for me Here is the #1 / REBUKE Not because want to – love you That’s the what Now the HOW - improtant New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

How do you make better frenemies? Build relationships around Christ Focus on mutual character not interests Serve in the church Invest when you don’t have the time Give them permission & responsibility #1 – others can be blessing but never a frenemy (appreciate them who are) #2 – world way vs God’s – if you want someone who calls you to same character #3 – Serve – if they don’t serve others, not going to serve you (stop running after popular and run after principled) #2 Invest – frenemies take time / share life - your calendar is killing your future!!! #1 Book That’s the how in theory Here is is practically So just look at why this is part of Christ’s victory

Cornerstone small groups Isolation to Relationship to Friendship to Frenemies All your defenses and fears hit between each step Book – Public to Social (acquaintance) to Friend to Intimacy Satan fight this process in you Look at bulletin – how will find your frenemies? (intention needs to turn to action) So remember the big picture of victory New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

To experience the victory of Jesus in our daily lives we need: A loving relationship with Jesus Practical obedience to God’s Word Consistent spiritual warfare (next week) Soil to grow Final thoughts – favorite quotes on relationships

Show me your friends And I’ll show you your future If your friend is an enemy of sin – s/he will do the same for you If your friend lives in sin – encourage the same thing New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with Who are they? How does that make you feel? How does that make your future look? New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. Love it – Humble yourself and be a learner Don’t act like you’ve arrived New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. (Pr 13:18-20) Your friends are your future New Victory Begins . . . by choosing better relationships

“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (Jn 15:15) Come to communion – this friend is your future He gave it to you Join me