ADOLESCENCE You’re not adults yet. You need economic and emotional independence for that!
PUBESCENCE Adolescent Growth Spurt: around age 11; rapid change in height and weight Actually takes place preadolescence Pubescence: 2 yr span preceding puberty; changes leading to physical and sexual maturity
PUBESCENCE TO PUBERTY Secondary sex characteristics: physical features that distinguish one sex from the other; not necessary for reproduction Capacity to reproduce begins with puberty
PUBERTY DEF: the stage during which sexual functions reach maturity; marks the beginning of adolescence Primary sex characteristics: structures necessary for reproduction
FEMALE/MALE PUBERTY Onset marked by Menarche---1st menstruation Around 12 ½ yrs old Continues until c. 16 yrs Sperm production begins c. 14 yrs old (Spermarche) Complete maturation c. 18 yrs. old
EFFECTS OF EARLY or LATE MATURATION Girls who mature unusually early have greater risk of psychological and social difficulties Same for boys who mature unusually late
TURMOIL? G. Stanley Hall: adolescence is characterized by instability Searching for a self-image Not all adolescence is turmoil Subjective
TEENAGE SUICIDE Suicide rates among teens lower than other age groups Attempted more than completed More teens attempt than complete
SEARCH FOR IDENTITY 5th stage of Erikson: identity vs. confusion A struggle to a concept of unique individuality Embracing ideology that provides direction Lifelong process Intense in adolescence
MARCIA’S IDENTITY STATUS James Marcia Presence or absence of crisis and commitment combine in various ways Varying combinations produce 4 different identity statuses
FORECLOSURE Premature commitment to values and roles Allows individuals to circumvent the struggle for identity Usually backfires
MORATORIUM Delaying commitment Experiment alternative ideologies and careers Not harmful if temporary
IDENTITY DIFFUSION State of apathy Refusal to commit Compete absence of struggle for identity Possible lead to personality disorders
IDENTITY ACHIEVEMENT Carefully arriving at a sense of self Conviction in commitments Flexible Higher self-esteem and security