Chapter 9- Adolescence Body and Mind
Agenda for Adolescence Define adolescence Body Brain Puberty
Adolescence Definition: Body changes Brain Growth Spurts Weight Height Growth patterns Brain Growth Spurts
Figure 2.10 The Brain and Its Structures This figure shows the cortex and the subcortical structures of the brain.
Puberty Changes needed for reproductive maturity Hormones Pituitary gland
Sequence of development during puberty STAGE BOYS GIRLS 1 = Preadolescent Nipple growth 2 = 1st signs of pubertal change First pubic hairs 3 = Intermediate Enlargement of penis Height spurt 4 = Intermediate 5 = Adult characteristics Height growth and final pubic hair growth Final pubic hair and full breast development
Puberty, cont. Sleep Age of puberty Age range Precocious Puberty Genes Leptin Secular trend
Puberty, cont. What does all this mean for development? So far, what is the picture we have “painted of adolescence”? What are some outcomes of not being “on time” for puberty onset?
Onset of puberty Too Early Too Late Girls Boys
Sexual development during adolescence Primary and secondary sex characteristics Sexual experiences may begin, particularly for those early developers
How do adolescents treat bodies? With all these changes, how do adolescents respond to their bodies? Nutritional intake? How do these changes influence body image?
Cognitive Development in adolescence The brain remains in the growth process, influencing adolescent cognitive functioning Positive outcomes of brain development
Characteristics of Cognitive Development in Adolescence Thinking About Oneself Adolescent egocentrism Personal fable Invincibility fable Imaginary audience
Cognitive Development Formal Operational Thought Hypothetical thought Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning
Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development Intuitive, Emotional Thought Adolescents find it much easier and quicker to forget about logic and follow their impulses. Dual-process model The notion that two networks exist within the human brain, one for emotional and one for analytical processing of stimuli.