Cisco Academies Best Practices 5.1.6 Multiple intelligences Ulyses Vázquez Cárdenas 2 Junio 2004
Abstract: Show how studenst underestand and learn and they don`t do it in the same way. There are multiple intelligences that go beyond the traditional verbal and mathematical abilities upon which we depend to help us master new learning.
According to Gardner, there are eight intelligences that people have a predetermined strength to use:
1 Verbal/Linguistic intelligence allows students to understand verbal and written forms of words. Students with strong verbal/linguistic intelligence easily recognize sounds, languages, and inflections of speech.
2 Logical/Mathematical intelligence allows students to understand and interact with numbers, symbols and patterns, especially found within the disciplines of math and science.
3 Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence gives students a strong connection to new content through the movement and manipulation of body and external objects. Activity helps students to create cognitive connections for easy recall and comprehension.
4 Musical/Rhythmic intelligence centers around melody, tune, pitch, rhythm and patterns found in types of music or cadence. For some students, music presents an environment that fluctuates from peaceful to highly energetic.
Their brains respond accordingly and understanding or recall of new information becomes tied to remembering or hearing a specific rhythm or cadence.
5 Visual/Spatial intelligence centers on a student's ability to recognize and respond to visual content through the written word or artistic design. Having visual/spatial strength helps students interpret maps and charts as well as form mental images of information communicated by another person
6 Intrapersonal intelligence provides a confidence in self that allows a student to process new information through thought and reflection. Having a strong intrapersonal intelligence means having a strong personal connection to feelings and emotions, which can take a student to a higher level of consciousness toward learning.
7 Interpersonal intelligence allows a student to accurately perceive the emotions, feelings, motivations and intentions of others. A student with strength in this intelligence lends to a strong team player mentality. A student with this strength will work thoughtfully within group settings.
8 Naturalist intelligence grants recognition of natural phenomenon such as flora and fauna, soil and land, weather and environmental issues. These students easily make choices on everything from survival in the wild issues to selecting proper clothing for different weather conditions.
Activity: In groups, identify and explain what of the eight inteligences participate in this cases: Make a UTP cable Explain how a router works Construct and show a Network proyect for a specific need by group Identify icons that represent network devices How a electric discharge happen