Standing Committee on Agriculture Research


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Presentation transcript:

Standing Committee on Agriculture Research 1974: Council Regulation N° 1728/74 establishing SCAR July 2004: SCAR management transferred from DG AGRI to DG RTD 22 November 2004: Dutch Presidency report calling for a high-level decision platform: a new role for SCAR End November 2004: MS to nominate two high-level representatives 2-3 February 2005: first “new” SCAR meeting New mandate Establishment of a standing oversight working group Nomination of Observers 5th June 2013: 18th plenary meeting Standing Committee on Agriculture Research Main role for SCAR Support the Commission and MS towards better coordination of agricultural research across the ERA SCAR countries: EU 15 + EU 12 + 11 Observers (AL, BH, CH, HR, IL, IS, ME, MK, NO, SB, TR)

SCAR initiatives towards a European Research Area for Agriculture 2. COMMON RESEARCH AGENDAS 1. FORESIGHT PROCESS 3. MAPPING EU CAPACITIES SCAR Working Group Agreement on priority research topics Identify Scenarios Foresight Conferences Mapping Activities Mapping Infrastructures Collaborative Working Groups Regular Survey & Alert Mechanism Report on gaps, trends & needs Joint Programming EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA FOR AGRICULTURE Input to FP7 SP Theme 2 : FAB ERA-Net proposals Identify priority research needs Proposals of new, sharing existing, infrastructures 4. Communication SCAR WEBSITE Communication to EP and Council Adopted by the Commission on 15 December 2008

On-Going SWGs On-Going CWGs SCAR Collaborative/Strategic Working Groups Towards common research agendas Update 12/12/2012 On-Going SWGs Co-ordinator SCAR Countries Kick-Off Meeting Sustainable supply and processing of biomass and bioresources for food and biobased industries and markets – BIOMASS NEW NL 15 7/09/2012 Fisheries & Aquaculture – SCAR FISH NEW DK 18 14/06/2012 Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation Systems - AKIS FR-NL 16 04/05/2010 On-Going CWGs Integrated pest management for the reduction of pesticide risks and use – IPM upcoming ERA-NET FR 13/05/2011 European transnational Research Cooperation Forest value chain in the light of climate change – ERCF upcoming ERA-NET AT-DE 12 3-4/05/2011 Risk Research on GMOs AT 13/10/2009 Development of Sustainable Agriculture in the Baltic Sea Region PL 8 17/11/2006

CWGs leading to ERA-NETs Co-ordinator SCAR Countries Kick-Off Meeting Sus. food production for wealth, welfare & health ‘ERA-NET SUS FOOD’ Coordinated research agenda for EU rural policy ‘ERA-NET RURAGRI’ DK 17 06/05/2010 SE-NL 7 23/11/2006 Agriculture & Sustainable Development ‘ERA-NET RURAGRI’ FR 11 06/12/2005 ICT & Robotics in Agro-Food Industries ‘ERA-NET ICT AGRI’ 01/09/2005 Relevant Issues for Med. Agriculture ‘ERA-NET ARIMNet’ 12 02/12/2005 Animal Health ‘ERA-NET EMIDA’ (now ANIWHA, incl welfare) UK 21 08/12/2005 ‘Stand-By/Finished CWGs’:8 covering such topics as Infrastructure; Energy; Ecosystems; Climate Control of Housing, Renewable Raw Material and Sustainable Livestock Production from Grasslands.


SCAR foresight process Overall objective To analyse possible scenarios for European agriculture in a 20-year perspective, allowing the identification of specific research needs for the medium and long term 1st Foresight exercise : Disruption Scenarios (June 2006 – June 2007) - June-December 2006: Appointment of a Foresight Expert Group (FEG) - 29-30 March 2007: Stakeholders workshop in Stockholm - 26-27 June 2007: Conference “Towards Future Challenges of Agricultural Research in Europe => Key messages for research priority setting - 15 December 2008: Communication from EC to EP and Council FORESIGHT SIGNALLING & MONITORING MECHANISM 2nd Foresight exercise : Horizon Scanning and analysis (June 2008 – January 2009) - June-December 2008: Appointment of a Consultancy Expert Group (CEG) - January 2009: Synthesis report + SCAR comments + dissemination - 26-28 May 2009: Conference “Sustainable development - a challenge for European Research” - Foresight session "global change and agriculture" 3rd Foresight exercise looking at scarcities in the long term (May 2010 – May 2011) - May 2010 Appointment of a Foresight Expert Group (FEG3) Oct. – Dec. 2010 Workshop with KBBE ERA-NETs & ETPs + draft conclusions at SCAR-Plenary - 4-5 May 2011 Conference on "Transition towards sustainable food consumption and production in a resource constrained world", "Budapest Declaration" 6

The SCAR foresight process: Future plans – direction, procedure & timeline Proposed direction Umbrella for all sectors: "Sustainable Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Bioeconomy" A Challenge for Europe – Proposed procedure Widening of the SCAR Foresight Group – involvement of relevant groups SCAR Foresight has an oversight function – Sector studies should run in parallel with linkages - same approach, same goal and expected results for comparison & recommendation Proposed timeline Proposal discussed by SCAR WG (March & April 2013) Paper prepared on topic “Sustainable Agriculture and Bioeconomy“ as basis for agreement and decision making. Formal decision and agreement by SCAR Plenary (June 2013) Common workshop with experts in autumn 2013 (back to back with SWG Biomass) End of 2013 ? – Call text ready for new SCAR Foresight study (Horizon 2020)

linking with relevant MS/institutions SCAR WEBSITE

Global challenges: Key reasons why SCAR can help - Strong legislative base Influential at both COM & MS level - Comprises rich mix of research policy makers, funders and performers - Active across all areas of the Bio-Economy - No. of CWGs dedicated to in-depth analysis in areas of relevance to ARD – a proposed SWG will be discussed at SCAR Plenary on the 6th June - Active on-going Foresight exercises that take a broad global view of research needs in light of developments on the mid and far horizon

CONCLUSIONS - SCAR has status and influence by virtue of its mandate, composition and role - SCAR is outward looking and very aware of global issues and challenges - SCAR is amenable to linking with other similar initiatives to help better coordinate AR and ARD