English 10 Week 3: August 25-29
Bellwork Each day, we will work on grammar corrections. We will only work with one sentence a day, focusing on the types of corrections we make. Put this in your Drive folder. Create a “Bellwork” document if you have not already. Make sure you put this in your shared folder.
Set 1: Focus on Punctuation Comma (Unnecessary), Spelling, Comma (Other) Find three (3) errors in the following sentence: Exercize, in fact, stimulates the release of endorphins, that can make people feel good but many people still prefer being couch potatoes.
Academic Vocab Complete the worksheet. Pg. 9 = with class/partner Pg. 10 = on your own
August 27
Set 1: Focus on Punctuation Comma (Unnecessary), Use the Right Word, Spelling Find four (4) errors in the following sentence: In anshunt Incan society, couples were considered marryed when they took off there shoes, and handed them to each other.
Inferences WS Get out the worksheet we started as a class on Monday. Finish as a class. What are inferences?
Academic Vocab Review pg. 9 as a class Complete pg. 10 with a partner.
Vocab Grab a BLUE vocab book from the back. Write your name on the front. Sharpie will be passed around. Introduce the words from Lesson One.
Vocab Unit One Complete Lesson I in the vocabulary book. These will be completed in class and will be graded. If you do not finish activities in class, they will be completed for homework.
Note Taking WS To complete this worksheet: Work with a partner Use the BLUE literature textbook (pg. 160-2) Go over as a class.
Exit Slip Identify the word from Lesson One that you struggle with most. Define the word
Create Google Presentation Use Drive to create a slide for the word you were assigned Put this in your shared folder. Each slide should have: The term and a definition A picture
Vocab Unit One Complete Lesson II.
Shoofly Pie
Set 1: Focus on Punctuation Comma (To Separate Adjectives), Spelling, Comma (Nonrestrictive Phrase or Clause), Apostrophe, Using the Right Word Find eight (8) errors in the following sentence: Elizabeth Blackwell who was a determined courageous beleiver in womens rites overcame alot of obstacals to become the first woman doctor in America.
Achieve LevelSet Remember, this is to set your Lexile. If you rush through this, you will get an invalid score and will have to retake the assessment.
Note Taking WS Complete this worksheet using pages 160 and 162 from the blue literature book.
Vocab Unit One Complete Exercise One with a partner.