Check Your Paragraph
Does the paragraph begin with a controlling idea? Make sure your paragraph begins with a clear claim, not with evidence! Is your claim specific enough? Does it capture the most interesting part of your central idea?
Does the paragraph tell the reader why your claim matters? Can the reader see clearly how and why this idea is worth an entire paragraph?
Is your evidence the right kind of evidence? Take a look at the evidence you include. Are you spending too much time summarizing or describing? Does your evidence pay attention to specific language choices?
How are you integrating evidence and analysis? You don’t always need long quotes to make your point. Sometimes smaller pieces of text, integrated into your analysis, will be a more effective way of arguing your point.
How does it end? Take a second look at the last sentence of your paragraph. Do you end with evidence? Does the conclusion just restate the claim, or is there a new, final synthesis that will leave the reader satisfied?