How to respond to sentence strips Function and forms Please follow these steps: Have your text and answers ready for review Recall details from text Complete the Sentence Strip based on your number in the group, (Please see webpage) Share your information with your partner Share your information with the larger group Create your report
BLUE - # 1 GREEN # 2 YELLOW # 3 ORANGE / RED # 4 Sentence strip # 1 – Identify new ideas / make new plans Function and forms I learned that so now I think . I still need to know–find out . Sentence strip # 2 – Compare and Contrast Function and forms They both have , but has . (A) is -er than a . is , but is . They are both . Sentence strip # 3 – Distinguish fact & opinion Function and forms My idea is that is going to . I think because . Sentence strip # 4 – Form Ideas Function and forms I think because . This is a(n) because we can/cannot prove .
sentence strip # 1 – Identify new ideas / make new plans Function and forms I learned that , so now I think . I still need to know–find out .
Sentence strip # 2 – Compare and Contrast Function and forms They both have but has . A is -er than a . is , but is . They are both .
sentence strip # 3 – Distinguish fact & opinion Function and forms My idea is that is going to . I think because .
sentence strip # 4 – Form Ideas Function and forms I think because This is a(n) because we can/cannot prove .