Basic Plant Requirements
Light Plants use sunlight as their energy source. A. Type – Red & blue light (visible light spectrum) B. Intensity – Amount of light given off (foot-candles) C. Exposure – Length of time in light (photoperiod) 1. Short day plants (SDP) – flower when nights are over 12 hours long. 2. Long day plants (LDP) – flower when the nights are under 12 hours long. 3. Day neutral plants (DNP) – flowering unaffected by photoperiod.
Visible Spectrum of Light
Temperature Plants adapt to a wide range of temperatures. A. Higher = smaller leaves, lighter in color, thicker cuticles Wilt – water loss causing plant to become flat & shut down B. Lower = grow lower to ground, shorter life cycles, dish shaped leaves Hardiness - ability to withstand low temperatures - USDA plant hardiness zone map Difficult to grow at temps below 32 or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit!
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
Water Most water enters through root system. Keys: Water all the way through the root zone for even root growth. Pots need drainage holes to allow oxygen into the root zone.
Air Air contains carbon dioxide and oxygen, both necessary for plant growth. A. Oxygen – for normal cellular respiration Enters through roots B. Carbon Dioxide - used for photosynthesis Enters through stomata
Nutrients Primary Nutrients (found in all general plant fertilizers Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K)
Classifying Plants