MEANING OF COUNSELLING Discussions and interactions Between a person who has a problem It should be solved
Definition Counselling is that interaction between two individuals to find a solution to the problems, which have an emotional angle, of one individual. Such a solution usually includes behavioural change in the individual whose problems are being discussed”. Pepinsky and Pepensky (1954)
“Counselling is a dynamic and purposeful relationship between two people in which procedures vary with the nature of students needs . But in which there is always mutual participation by the counsellor and the students with the focus upon self-clarification and self – determination by the student.” Wrenn(1951)
Two persons: A counsellor A counselee Sometimes more than two person
Involves exchange of ideas Expression of feelings Act of communication and Introspection
Need for counselling Stress on the job Insecurity –retirement Taking a risk (promotion etc) Mental unrest due to stagnation Depression caused by domestic problems Emotionally challenging time
Importance of counseling Both to society and organization Humanistic approach Responsive to the concern of the employees Attract and retain good talent
Done through generalization or through specialization Example Managers are the first counsellors Professional counsellors –significance
Case: managers emphasis more on task leadership Little emphasis on emotional problems Result……………………..? Manger –develop interpersonal problem solving skills
Objectives of counselling To help solve employees problems Support employees on: Self confidence Self direction
Self control To foster positive interpersonal relationship To create a climate of assurance and High morale for peaceful cooperation of employees at the workplace
Counselling functions Advice Telling a person what you think would be done; coaching Reassurance Giving people courage and confidence that they are capable of facing a problem Communication Providing information and understanding Clarified thinking Encouraging more coherent , rational and mature thought Release of emotional tension Helping a person feel free from frustration and stress Reorientation Encouraging an internal change in goals ,values and mental models
Drawbacks Reassurance : Lack of trust Weak mind Communication Upward Downward
Clarified thinking: Don’t jump into conclusion Explain what is right and what is wrong Reorientation: Reorganize limitation
Identify potential E.g. Employees at the time of recession need reorientation Reorienting towards new skill
Types of counselling Two different ways : 1.Based on the counsellor’s direction 2.Based on focus
1.Based on counsellor’s direction Counsellor Client Counsellor Direction –oriented continuum LOW DIRECTION MEDIUM HIGH DIRECTION Non-directive counselling Co-operative/Participative counselling Directive counselling
A. Directive counselling: Counsellor oriented Listen to the employee’s problem Decide with the employees- what he should do?
B. Non-directive counselling: It is client centered Skillfully listen to the counselee Encourage to determine the appropriate solution It focus on reorienting the employees
Example: Two groups developed non-directive counselling Elton Mayo and Roethlisberger and others Carl. R. Rogers and his colleagues
C. Participative counselling: Falls in between the two extremes Also known as middle ground type or cooperative counselling
A contingency view on types of counselling A. Nature of problem: For a timely logical solution-DC For an emotional problem-NDC B. Manager’s time and effort: If manager is willing-NDC Not willing- DC
C. Preference of counselees: Counselees seek a nurturing role- PC or NDC For a job related expertise or problem solving skills-DC
2.Based on focus A. Problem solving counselling: Specific problem in personal or professional life Generate Problem-specific solutions Solutions are tried and then reviewed
B. Interpersonal counselling: Used for interpersonal relation Used both at the home and place Includes identifying a problem-Rectify it
C. Psychodynamic counselling: Focuses on the client’s past experience Other unconscious process to interpret current behavior Help to create an awareness on clients behaviour
3.Based on medium Counselling through ---medium E.g.: Telephone and other online methods
Merits: It can be constructive Easy to maintain concentration Feel more free to express ( Anonymity and Confidentiality)
Demerits : No visual information –--body language Difficulty in establishing relationship with client No eye contact