Individual: Assessing Student Learning Christine Fulton CUR/528 February 16, 2015 Siddeeqah Johnson
The definition of Assessment Assessment is the systematic collection of information about student learning, using the time, knowledge, expertise, and resources available, in order to inform decisions that affect student learning. (Walvoord, 2004) “Assessment is an ongoing process” (Suskie, 2009) It is used to determine if students/learners understand the material being presented to them. The only way to know if a learner is understanding is to ask them. Assessments are forms of asking the student to show what they have learned or understand. Assessments can be formal or simple but in the end they show both the instructor and learner has gained from instruction. As Walvoord states in her book, “Assessment Clear and Simple”, there are three steps to assessments: Goals, the outcome of the learning process; Information, measures how the learners are reaching the goals set; and Action, what to do with the information gathered from assessments and how to improve the learning processes.
The contrast of three different types of assessments Formative Interim Summative Formative Assessment occurs over a short period of time as learners are learning to see if they understand the content of the material. Feedback is given to he learners to help them understand and put what they already know together with the new material. Formative assessment enables the instructors to stop immediately and change plans in teaching if the group does not understand the material and the instructor can incorporate more information or material in to the learning plan to help in understanding, In short, formative assessment is an observance learning and helps in making sure that everyone is on the same page and understands. Interim Assessment occurs in between the beginning of learning and the end of the course or learning period. Feedback is also given at this time but may take loner to get than in formative assessment. This type of assessments are more formal then formative such as end of chapter tests or some type of demonstration of the materials presented. This type of assessment also helps the instructors gain an understanding of how the learner is grasping the materials and can change paths or add to the learning plan to help bring everyone to the same page. Summative Assessment occurs over a longer period of time usually at the end of a learning period. The results are usually for he institution and or instructors to use for judging the lessons/ materials used for teaching, There is usually a final grade given at this time using the results of this final assessment. Consequently, this type of assessments tend to have the tiniest impact on improving an individual student's understanding or performance. “Students/parents can use the results of Summative Assessments to see where the student's performance lies compared to either a standard (MEAP/MME) or to a group of students. Teachers/schools can use these assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses of curriculum and instruction, with improvements affecting the next year's/term's students. “ (, 2015)
An example and an explanation of how each assessment is used by organizations or institutions of learning. Formative: Examples: a very interactive class discussion; a warm-up, closure, or exit slip; a on-the-spot performance; a quiz. Summative: Examples: Standardized testing; Final exams; Major cumulative projects, research projects, and performances. Formative assessments Are simple assessments of students knowledge and understanding of the material presented to them over a short amount of time. These assessments are used to measure the students understanding and simple changes can be made to the learning plan/ path in order for the student to gain a better understanding. Allows the instructors to stop what they are doing and change paths immediately. Summative assessments Are formal assessments of the students knowledge and understanding of the material presented to them over a long period of time. These assessments are used to gauge the learning plan and materials used and allows the institution to compare to other learners of similar groups.
REFERENCES,. (2015). Three Types of Assessment. Retrieved 14 February 2015, from Suskie, L. (2009). Assessing student learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Walvoord, B. (2004). Assessment clear and simple. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.