For students entering Gr. 10 2017 Option Selections For students entering Gr. 10 2017
OSSD Requirements 18 compulsory credits and at least 12 elective credits to total 30 credits Successful completion of Literacy test Be working towards your 40 hours of community service and submit a signed form to Mrs. Oldenburg
Grade 10 Option Compulsory Courses English (Enriched, Academic, Applied) Mathematics (Enriched, Academic, Applied, Local) Science (Enriched, Academic, Applied) Canadian History (Enriched, Academic, Applied) Civics/Career Studies- select both halves
Use the Resources to Plan! Instruction Sheet (on Career Cruising) Read the FAQ in its entirety(posted on CC as well) Select all carryover and compulsory courses that you have yet to complete Select your actual options & to ensure you’re eligible to take the courses limited copies of Course Offerings available in guidance office This presentation (powerpoint will be posted on the HUB Guidance Page and Career Cruising)
Grade 10 Optional Choices Art (AVI2O, ASM2O, AWC2O) Business (BBI2O) Computer Studies (ICS2O, TEJ2O) Drama (ADA2O), Dance (ATC2O) Languages (FSF2D, LVLBD, LWGBD, LWIBD, LWSBD)
More Optional Choices! Music (AMU2O, AMV2O, AMG2O, AMH2O, AMR2O) Phys. Ed. (PPL2OF/M, PAI2O, PAL2OC, PAL2OI, PAQ2O, PAF2OT/PPL2OT, PAD2O) Social Science and Humanities (HFN2O) Tech (TCJ2O, TMJ2O, TTJ2O, TGJ2O, TDJ2O) Elearning- must meet with a counsellor to get registered Summer school- select the compulsory course on CC anyway, then correct manually on the printout
...Specialist High Skills Major Programs... Full-day, full-semester programs (at other schools – see Board web site for the List of Programs Arts & Culture Aviation & Aerospace Construction Health & Wellness Horticulture & Landscaping Info. & Communications Technology Hospitality & Tourism Justice, Community Safety & Emer. Services Manufacturing
This year: Individual Pathway Planning: Must complete your IPP profile on Career Cruising before proceeding to course selections and online option entry The status bar lets you know how much you have left to do Always “save to IPP” This policy applies to all grades each year
Option Entry Option entry process same as last year – using Career Cruising from the HUB Read the instruction sheet – ensuring that you make 8 selections. Click Choose My Courses Click all broken line boxes to see course options Can click the “book” icon (top right icon next to the question mark) to see a list of all course offerings When completed, click “submit” – do not do this until you are SURE of your selections – you cannot change selections once you have submitted, unless you see your counsellor If you have not entered options on your own by Feb. 20th , you will be required to enter options from the LC computer lab during per. 3/4 starting on the 21st until the 24th ALL options must be entered by Feb. 28th, or risk being waitlisted(oh no!)
Option Verification The Course Request Sign Off Sheet is to be printed by YOU after you submit your course selections (top right printer icon) Must be signed by parent (or you if 18 or older) and returned to the Student Services office with the school fee ($20 basic fee) by no later than February 28th Note – ALL timetable changes at all times require written consent from a parent for your duration at Westmount or until you turn 18
Questions? You can find most answers on CC or ask a counsellor.