By Marianne Bates May 2011
Interview a living person Find someone who lived through an interesting historical event or time period Ask questions Gather information and memories Record their answers
Grandparents Other family member Neighbor Family friend An acquaintance from Boy Scouts, church, or a civic organization
Face to face Video Tape recording/ MP3 Letter or Telephone call
Acquire background knowledge to ask good questions Use a variety of sources Pioneer Library Internet sources Library sources (use subject search) Cite sources Take notes
Background Information (3-4) General questions about the time period (3- 4) Specific questions about the persons experiences (5-6) Follow-up questions as needed Ask them to tell stories Do not interrupt or correct what they say
Notebook Pens or pencils Tape recorder, video recorder, MP-3 player Background infojog your memory Questions Water
Arrive early Set up and test equipment Choose a room without outside noise or distractions Provide a comfortable chair Provide water and refreshments Help the interviewee feel relaxed and at ease Speak slowly, loudly and clearly Start with easy questions
Say thank you Chat about what you learned together Tell your interviewee what you will do with the interview Label everything you have information on (video tape, cassette tape, notes, etc.) Make a transcription of your interview Send one to the interviewee with a thank you letter
The Great Depression World War II Korean War Vietnam War Cold War Fall of the Berlin War Refugees or Immigrants to the U.S. Gulf War
Powell, Kimberly. "Oral history step-by-step." Genealogy 25 Mar 2009.