Insert your web address here After inserting your logo and web address, and duplicating this slide no more than 20 times, insert your project photo here. Read these instructions first!! Before inserting any photos, add your logo and your web address where indicated at the bottom of this slide. Delete the gray box and the text in the logo area once you’ve added your logo. Then copy this slide 10 times and insert your project photos. Each slide should have the AIA logo at the top and your firm’s logo and web address at the bottom. Please do not exceed the gray box when you insert your photos. For vertical photos, make sure they are centered and do not extend above or below the boundaries of the large gray box. Once you have inserted and resized your photo, delete the gray box and text. Save the file as your last name.pptx or your last name.ppt. (The *.pptx or *.ppt will be generated automatically by your version of PowerPoint. Then send the slide to If you have any questions, contact Ellen at or 617.646.5255 Project name and location. Change font to white if against a dark background. Logo Insert your web address here