Life long learning is the need and desire of attaining knowledge for professional and self motivated reasons. You learn things everyday throughout your entire life. Lifelong Learning
Role of lifelong learning in teenagers As teenagers we learn tons of new things everyday. We attend school to prepare us for our future career. we also gain new responsibilities such as starting to work in a part time job in order to pay our phone bill also waking up on time for school. Role of lifelong learning in teenagers
Life long learning as an adult. As an adult we have to learn new methods in order to be more self efficient. Example: How to save money on groceries and gas Life long learning as an adult.
Careers and lifelong learning examples of jobs that involve life long learning Lawyers Entrepreneurs Teachers Architects Marines Careers and lifelong learning
Lawyers have to acquire new knowledge in order to get better and get more clients. They have to learn how to persuade the judge and jury. They will also need to learn client information and cases. Lawyers
Entrepreneurs need to be aware and ready to learn of new marketing opportunities. They need to learn what satisfies the current and future generation. Entrepreneurs
No teacher has the same method of teaching every teacher finds a method that suits them Teachers also attend meetings to innovate their way of teaching Teachers
Architects or construction workers learn new house models and designs They also learn new methods to make a safer home Architects
Military/marines The military requires training and skill. Marines learn new type of techniques every day from tying a proper knot to how to operate a machine gun properly. Military/marines
Name your career and 5 different skills/things you will have to learn in that career. Activity