The Organization of the Church Part 2 Ecclesiology The Organization of the Church Part 2
The Governance of the Church Christ Head of the Church
The ultimate head of the church is Christ The ultimate head of the church is Christ. He is foundation and the ultimate authority. Nothing contrary to His character, instruction, and will is permissible for His church. No congregation ever has the authority to disobey the head of the church! It is interesting that nearly every form of church organization will tacitly acknowledge the headship of Christ. The sad reality is that the acknowledgement seldom translates into reality.
Leadership The New Testament only references two offices for the church. There are three terms used to describe the person particularly charged with leading the local church. These are bishop, elder, and pastor. The terms are used interchangeably because they all refer to the same office.
Elder – the wisdom and maturity of the leader Bishop – responsibility to oversee the work of the church (Acts 20:28) Pastor – spiritual care for the flock Preacher – proclaiming the whole counsel of God’s Word Teacher – the ministry of instruction (Eph. 4:11) Servant – serving God by serving God’s people Steward – accountability to God
The Governance of the Church Christ Head of the Church Pastor Accountable Leader
Every church has one pastor. There may be men who assist him Every church has one pastor. There may be men who assist him. There is no one who carries greater responsibility and accountability before God than the pastor. It is interesting that the primary passage (1 Timothy 3), which defines the qualifications for scriptural office in the church speaks of the bishop in the singular only and the deacons always in the plural. There is one pastor and a multiple of deacons. Looking at the letters to the seven churches in Revelation chapters two and three, we find a single messenger (aggelos) addressed in each of the seven churches.
If indeed the pastor is the primary leader of the church under the authority of Christ, it is critical that he be uniquely qualified for that role. (1 Tim. 3:1-7) The desire for the office of pastor must be generated in the heart by the call of God. While the call of God may well seem mysterious and inexplicable it is nonetheless very real. (Heb. 5:1-4; 1 Tim. 1:12) His preparation for ministry is extensive and ongoing.
Preparation of the heart in personal character Attentive Abstinent Altruistic Mature Preparation of the home in domestic character One-woman man Leading his own home
Preparation of the hand in social character Preparation of the honor in public character Personal Integrity Principled Integrity Public Integrity Preparation of the hand in social character Hospitable Not an Angry Man Preparation of the head in intellectual character Master of the content of Scripture Communicator of truth Studious
Truly the pastor must walk with God so that he can discern the will of God. He must continually improve his craft as a preacher, teacher, exhorter, and leader. He must understand the times and protect the flock. The insidious attack of false teachers is greater today than at any time in church history. Sound doctrine, godly lifestyle, discipleship and spiritual discipline must flow from the pulpit to the pew.
The Governance of the Church Christ Head of the Church Pastor Accountable Leader Congregation Regenerated Believers Deacons Table Servers to Pastor and the Congregation