IntroductionGeorge Blankenship1 CSCI 6234 Object-Oriented Design George Blankenship Wednesday 6:10 pm – 8:40 pm Tompkins Hall 201
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship2 Academics –BS Georgetown university (mathematics) –MS Marymount (computer science) –DSC candidate at GWU - ABD (computer science) 40+ years in computer industry –Protocol design –Systems integration manager –Systems programmer and consultant
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship3 Pertinent Information Office hours: by arrangement Telephone: –(301) (office) –(703) (cell) Web site:
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship4 Class Web Page Syllabus Lecture notes Homework assignments Supplementary materials
Class Web Page (top) IntroductionGeorge Blankenship5
Class Web Page (Lesson Plan) IntroductionGeorge Blankenship6
Class Web Page (Lesson Content) IntroductionGeorge Blankenship7
Class Web Page (Research Project) IntroductionGeorge Blankenship8
Class Web Page (Related Links) IntroductionGeorge Blankenship9
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship10 Lecture Format Questions from previous class Discussion of previous homework New lecture material Homework assignment discussion
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship11 Objective of Course Overview of the fundamental models that are used to organize of objects in a object oriented approach to a problem solution The student will be introduced to basic models used in the construction of objects, structure of objects, and behavior of objects The class will examine examples of the basic models in code samples
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship12 Course Outline Five sections –One lecture on the fundamental concepts –Three lectures Java review –One lecture on frameworks –Three lectures on each of the three pattern classes with examination of code using the patterns –Student presentations of projects using the concepts Homework and research projects Research paper
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship13 Lectures DateMaterial to be covered (or other task) 1/12Introduction Java review 1/19Java review 1/26Java review UML overview Frameworks 2/2, 2/9, 2/16Creational patterns 2/23, 3/2, 3/9Structural patterns 3/23, 3/30, 4/6Behavioral patterns 4/13, 4/20Presentations 5/4Presentations (if necessary)
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship14 Homework The homework assignments in the class are orally presented in class Each student will be expected to present either 2 or 3 times depending upon the number of students in the class The class is broken into three presentation sessions Please be prepared in the assigned time period
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship15 Honesty and Integrity It is expected that all will discuss the homework problems Questions can be submitted by , responses will be to the whole class via All responses that seem to be from one source will be discarded Cooperative understanding, independent solutions
IntroductionGeorge Blankenship16 Reading and Thought Inspect the class web page Inspect the links from the class web page Supplementary readings are suggested to help understanding