Kamishibai Man By: Allen Say
familiar This looks like a familiar picture. Known from being seen This looks like a familiar picture. It is from the fairy tale Cinderella.
blurry Unclear or smeared This picture of Santa is very blurry.
vacant This parking lot is vacant now but empty This parking lot is vacant now but when the game starts it will fill up quickly.
jerky The quarterback uses jerky, or sudden movements, while running Moving in sudden, uneven, or awkward ways The quarterback uses jerky, or sudden movements, while running for a first down.
applause You may applause, or clap, after the program. Clapping meant to show appreciation You may applause, or clap, after the program.
blasted The astronauts blasted off into outer space. Made a sudden, loud sound The astronauts blasted off into outer space.
rude It is rude to whisper or talk while Impolite or have bad manners It is rude to whisper or talk while the teacher is reading a story.
rickety The old barn looks rickety and will be torn down soon. Shaky or likely to fall apart The old barn looks rickety and will be torn down soon.
Vocabulary Review familiar blurry vacant jerky applause blasted rude rickety