September 2016 Mrs. Burchette
Homework and Important Dates: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Homework and Important Dates: Membean– September Week #2– 45 minutes due September 13, 2016 (by midnight) No more than 15 minutes/every other day Reading Performance Task– due September 14, 2016 see rubrics on the blog Warm-Up: Update your agenda. Begin working on your Reading Performance Task and/or reading silently!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Learning Target: I can see how the central idea is developed throughout the text. Today’s Agenda: Reader’s Workshop– Reading Performance Task Independent Study
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Fractured Fairy Tale Use the organizers provided to continue planning and drafting your fractured fairy tale. Step 1– What will be different? Step 2– map out your elements Step 3– write your first draft Step 4– set up your pages
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Be sure to use the rubric as you complete your draft to ensure you have met all of the requirements! Grammar/Conventions may not be included on the rubric, but you are expected to pay close attention to these items. You can still lose points for poor conventions!