Discovery Education Video Streaming and Board Builder Instructor, Title School Date Please access
Objective: Participants will utilize the features of Discovery Education Streaming and Board Builder to create instructional activities.
Resources Discovery Education Video Streaming Resource Page Discovery Education Board Builder Resource Page
UDL: Universal Design For Learning Why video? Multiple means of… representation engagement expression UDL: Universal Design For Learning Let’s make a connection between what we are learning about and instruction. When I say, “Multiple means of…,” give me one word to end that phrase.
Globally Competitive Graduate Connect Learning and Innovation Skills Media, Information, & Technology Skills Our Goal What a globally competitive CURRICULUM look like Preparation and Planning Classroom Environment P21 Rigorous Relevant Globally Competitive Graduate What a globally competitive TEACHER looks like Accessible Responsive Let’s connect what we are learning about and doing today with the Teaching and Learning Framework. How does video streaming and Board Builder connect with P21 skills. How does it connect with Danielson’s 4 domains? How does it connect with the curriculum? What a globally competitive STUDENT looks like Instruction Professionalism Core Knowledge Life and Career Skills Framework for Teaching, The Danielson Group, 2011 Framework for 21st Century Learning, Partnership for 21st Century Skills,
Open Discovery Education
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Different Ways to Find a Video
Task Determine which method of searching best meets your needs Pick a topic and use each method to search for a video Be ready to discuss pros and cons of each method
Compare Search Methods Pros Cons Keyword Standards Advanced Grade level with subject It isn’t necessary to complete this table. Use it as a visual reminder for the participants for summarize what they discover. What will be your “Go to” method of searching?
Select a Video Use Quicklist to store items for later preview Use Options to save the video to My Content Quicklist appears at the bottom of the DE window. It’s useful when your search produced a number of items you want to use but don’t have the time to preview. Put them in your Quicklist. For the items you intend to use, place them in My Content. Show them how to preview a video. Click the thumbnail to open it in the viewer.
Share the Video Each video or video segment opens in this window. All the segments are available for viewing. Linking to a segment makes all segments visible. Get the link by clicking the Share button.
Copy the Link
Board Builder Task – Create a board to share with others Explain the task. Board Builder is easy to learn to use through exploration. The task is for them to create a board to share with others, either students or teachers. Board Builder
Board Builder Select Board Builder. Point out the Getting Started and Sample Board buttons. They begin by picking a board.
Basic Parts The basic parts of the Board Builder window are self-explanatory so provide only a minimum of explanation. Point out that assigning tasks to students should be done through BCPS One. The Share button in this window allows you to share with the school. Sharing with the district is discouraged. Sharing by link is recommended. That happens from My Content.
Share the Board When the board is finished, go to My Content, find the board where it was saved. Click the Actions button and select Share from the drop down list.
Share the Board Copy the link and use it in a BCPS One tile.
Additional Resources
Thank you! DLU Reflections due ____ to Please complete the evaluation in 24 hours Email me anytime!