“The Bet” by Anton Chekhov


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Presentation transcript:

“The Bet” by Anton Chekhov Annotations and Questions

Direct and Indirect Characterization Examples Annotations to Review Characters Direct and Indirect Characterization Examples Explanation The Banker The Lawyer Create a similar chart on your own paper and add examples during your group discussion.

Questions to Answer Answer the following questions on the back of your chart. Explain the terms of the bet. At the end of the 15 years, what has happened to the banker? And the lawyer? Based on the Banker’s remarks about the death penalty, what does he seem to value most in life? Why does the banker feel such contempt for himself after reading the Lawyer’s letter? After making the bet, the Banker tells himself that “greed for money” was the Lawyer’s motivation for betting. Do you agree or disagree? Provide textual evidence to support your answer. What are two qualities of the Banker? Provide textual evidence for your answer. What are two qualities of the Lawyer? Provide textual evidence for your answer. What is theme of the short story? Provide textual evidence to support your answer.