Roots of our Democracy Vocabulary List 2
John Locke- Wrote on Life, Liberty and Property, consent of the governed, influenced Jefferson in writing of Declaration of Independence Thomas Hobbes- English philosopher who wrote Leviathan. Believed humans inherently bad, supported a constitutional monarchy
Baron de Montesquieu -believed in separation of powers Separation of powers-in dividing power, there is less opportunity for abuse.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau –promoted Social contract and Consent of the governed Voltaire- promoted freedoms of speech and religion.
Thomas Jefferson-principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the third President of the United States—“Writer in the Revolution” James Madison-Led the writing of the Consitution, writer of Bill of Rights, 4th president, “Father of the Constitution” Samuel Adams - He is a leader in the Boston Tea Party and of the Sons of Liberty —“Instigator in the Revolution”
Benjamin Franklin -Responsible for helping get the French to join the colonies against the British— ”Negotiator in the Revolution” John Adams - Constitutional lawyer and his intense analysis of historical examples, on Declaration writing committee and second President of the United States – “Thinker in the Revolution”
Thomas Paine –Wrote Common Sense in 1776, a political pamphlet that criticizes the British monarch, supports colonial rebellion and justifies starting a new government—”Advertiser of the Revolution” George Washington—Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, first President of the United States; “The Fighter” and “Poster Child of the Revolution” George Mason—Virginia statesman, write of Virginia Declaration of Rights, which became foundation of Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, “The Stubborn One”