Incidence of CV Events in Subjects With T2D vs the Nondiabetic CAD Population


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Presentation transcript:

How Should Cardiologists Manage Glycemia More Actively in Their Patients With Diabetes?

Incidence of CV Events in Subjects With T2D vs the Nondiabetic CAD Population

UKPDS 35: Effect of HbA1c on MI and Microvascular Events

UKPDS 35: Impact of Increasing HbA1c on Cardiovascular Disease in T2D

Effect of Intensive Glucose Control on All-Cause Mortality

Effect of Intensive Glucose Control on Major Cardiovascular Events

Goals for CV Prevention in T2D

Oral Antihyperglycemic Medications: Effect on HbA1c

Antihyperglycemic Medications: Glycemic Action and Possible Side Effects

Glucose Control in Patients With ACS

Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes or Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Patients With ACS
