It’s the magic of CRITICAL THINKING!!! What enables you to put two and two together? How do you know what you know? It’s the magic of CRITICAL THINKING!!!
What is “Critical Thinking?” When you think critically you are conscious and aware that you are thinking with a purpose. You are constructing and evaluating meaning in a logical way that helps you analyze everything you read, see and hear. Critical thinking also involves self-reflection, examining your actions, the consequences and determining whether changes are needed. There are 4 steps to critical thinking: Examine your assumptions Make predictions Sharpen your interpretations Evaluate what you learn.
Assumption - is an idea or belief taken for granted Assumption - is an idea or belief taken for granted. It is based on what we know or have experienced. Assumptions are compelling. Your beliefs, the ideas you take for granted, shape your thoughts and actions. This chart shows how you can examine your assumptions to use them for Critical Thinking. Reading Writing Math Problem Solving Determine what you already know about a topic; build background for reading. Brainstorm to generate ideas. Determine what is given in a problem. Determine what you assume or believe to be true about the problem, what you think you can or cannot do.
Assumption Exercise
Assumption Exercise What can you assume about this man based on his clothing? What time of day do you assume it is? Based on his expression, what can you assume about what he is doing? How do your assumptions about the man in the picture relate to your own experiences?
Make Predictions: How you can use Critical Thinking to Prediction - is a decision made beforehand about the outcome of an event. Predictions are based on assumptions. Because you believe that certain things are true, you expect or believe that certain things will happen. They are usually the result of asking yourself questions and looking for answers. Make Predictions: How you can use Critical Thinking to Make Predictions. Reading Writing Math All Decision Courses Making Turn headings Have a Determine Anticipate Look ahead into questions purpose for the kind of exam questions to the outcome. to guide your writing. Have answer you and make What do you readings. a plan to need: practice tests. think will happen? follow. a fraction? a percent?
Predict… 1. What do you think will happen next? 2. What do you think caused this emotion? 3. What will the outcome be? 4. How did you come up with your answer?
Interpretations Intrepretation - occurs on 2 levels: literal that is the stated meaning, the author’s or speaker’s main idea and details, and implied that is the suggested meaning-what you can guess or conclude from what is said or deliberately been left out or is unsaid. Interpretations: How you can use interpretations in Critical Thinking. Reading Writing Math Science Decision Making Read for Develop your Identify both Determine Gather facts, learn literal and ideas logically what is significance from experience, implied meaning. and draw valid known and of research and decide, what conclusions. what is findings or you want to do. unknown. lab results.
Interpretation… Deep in the Maine woods, On a starless September night, Lights flicker, then go out. Miles from any incandescence, I sit in the middle of fear, Black, thoroughly, And mourn the sudden loss of sight As if it were not temporary. The mind adjusts, takes its measure Of eternity. My book lies open in the dark; I read by lights I cannot see. A writing by Carol Kanar about reading a favorite poem.
Interpretation… Deep in the Maine woods, On a starless September night, Lights flicker, then go out. Miles from any incandescence, I sit in the middle of fear, Black, thoroughly, And mourn the sudden loss of sight As if it were not temporary. The mind adjusts, takes its measure Of eternity. My book lies open in the dark; I read by lights I cannot see. A writing by Carol Kanar about reading a favorite poem. What was the author’s or speaker’s meaning in this writing? What is implied in the writing? Are there any unfamiliar words or passages? What is implied in this writing?
Evaluate what you learned. Evaluate - This means you determine the worth or value, and you will judge whether you something is right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair. You use this critical thinking strategy in every aspect of your life. It is a measurement of worth in continuing or stopping an action or situation. Evaluate what you are learning: This is Critical to Thinking and Learning! Reading Writing Math All Problem Courses Solving Determine Evaluate your Use a Learn from Evaluate the reliability writing/work. formula or your mistakes. your plan. Is objectivity, and Proofread to system for Determine why it working? usefulness of find errors; checking you make them Revise plan as online and revise for content your work. and how you can needed, or printed sources. and organization, overcome them. make new plan. edit grammar, etc.
To Evaluate… Reliability: Objectivity Usefulness Who says so? What are his or her qualifications? How does he or she know? Objectivity What is the purpose? Are all sides of the issue presented? Is the language free of slanted or manipulative words? Usefulness What have I learned? Will I use what I have learned either now or in the future? Does the new knowledge relate to my course of study? Having learned the material, am I now more interested in the topic?
Make your time work for YOU! What TIME is it? Make your time work for YOU!
Time Management Control your time, don’t let it control you. Don’t procrastinate, “get’r done” ! Make effective use of time spent studying.
The G.R.A.B. Method “G” Goal Set a goal. “R” Responsibilities Determine your responsibilities. “A” Analysis Analyze where your time goes. “B” Balance Balance work, class, studying, and leisure time.
Goal - What do you want to do Goal - What do you want to do? Would you like to set aside a block of time each day for completing your assignments? Do you want to set aside time to work in the Library, write essays, etc.? Responsibilities - To manage time, you must first determine what your responsibilities are. Do you live alone? If not, you have responsibilities to others at home. Do you work? Etc… Analysis - Analyze where your time goes. What are the fixed times in a typical day for you? What are things you like to add to your day? Balance - Balance your work, class, study time, and leisure time. A schedule is a structure you impose on the events of your day, week, or month. Schedules set a plan for getting things done in a timely manner.
I Love It When a “PLAN” Comes Together!
Plan to Work & Work your Plan Use a planner or calendar Schedule everything - school, work, family, etc. Don’t forget anything by writing it in the planner Write assignments, tests and projects in planner by when they are due
It all starts NOW…. Enter when classes begin and end, work schedule, special events, other important dates Review the instructor’s syllabus and write in the dates listed, especially tests and assignment due dates Enter any other information, events, or activities you want to include. For example: sporting events, holidays, birthdays, etc. *Be sure to leave enough space in square to add items as the month goes on. Consider using different color pens or pencils for the importance of the events you list.
Attendance Don’t miss class! When you miss class, you miss instruction. Skills for each class are taught in sequence. Each lesson builds on the last. Regular attendance lets you know what to expect in order to be successful in the class. Punctuality is essential! If you arrive late, or leave early, you miss instruction. * If you can’t get to class on time, can you get to work on time??? * If you don’t go to work, would your boss pay you, or allow you to continue to work there???
What are YOU going to do?