“When I Feel Angry” Social Narrative Before using this story, please read the notes for parents on the next page. Here’s some additional information to help you use the story. This story was written as a reminder to help students remember to use a strategy for calming down. Before using the story, you will want to identify a strategy for the student to use (such as counting to ten, going to a quiet area of the classroom, etc.) and have taught it to the student in advance. Some resources for this are on page 3. This story can be used to remind the student to use the strategy and how to ask an adult for help when he or she feels angry. The story should be read regularly by the student (if necessary) at times when he or she is not angry. Stories like this should not be used as “punishments” when a student is experiencing angry or negative behavior. They are a proactive, teaching strategy. If your child or student is experiencing aggressive behavior, please make sure to contact the appropriate, licensed professionals, such as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst or psychologist/counselor. Text © 2011. PositivelyAutism.com Visit www.PositivelyAutism.com for more free autism teaching resources.
Notes for Parents/Teachers It is best to customize this story for each individual child by incorporating the child’s name and photos and altering any words and pictures to best meet your child’s learning needs and preferences. Each place with red text in the story is a place where the story should be customized and the red text removed. The term Social StoriesTM is trademarked by Carol Gray. Every effort has been made to write this story according to Carol Gray’s guidelines, but no guarantee can be made. Carol Gray has not specifically endorsed this story. For more information about writing Social StoriesTM , please read: The New Social Story Book, Revised and Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition: Over 150 Social Stories that Teach Everyday Social Skills to Children with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome, and their Peers We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
A Few Anger Resources Outsmarting Explosive Behavior: A Visual System of Support and Intervention for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Incredible 5 Point Scale: Assisting Students in Understanding Social Interactions and Controlling their Emotional Responses Freedom from Meltdowns: Dr. Thompson's Solutions for Children with Autism
When I Feel Angry
My name is ____________________. Insert picture of your child or student here. My name is ____________________.
Sometimes, I feel angry. This is okay. All people feel angry sometimes.
I can tell that I feel angry when I _____________________ (fill in with any behaviors the child exhibits when angry, such as sweating, hand-flapping, etc.).
When I feel angry, I can try to take a slow deep breath, close my eyes, and count to ten. (Change this to any other strategy the child uses to calm down. The child should be taught how to use this or any calm down strategy using methods such as modeling and role play).
After I count to ten, I can find a teacher, mom, or dad and tell them I feel angry.
I can say, "I'm mad" or "I feel angry."
When I talk to my teacher, mom, or dad, I will try to use a calm voice to tell them what made me angry.
My teacher, mom, or dad can help me think of ways to fix the problem that made me angry.
This might help me feel calm.
I am learning about staying calm when I feel angry.