CLIC Technical committee


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Presentation transcript:

CLIC Technical committee Machine Experiments, technical design and prototyping for the CLIC damping rings  Yannis PAPAPHILIPPOU Thanks to M. Barnes, S. Calatroni, P. Chiggiato, A. Grudiev, T. Lefevre, R. Maccaferri, M. Karppinen, G. Rumolo D. Schörling, H. Schmickler, M. Taborelli June 15th, 2010

DR technology challenges RF system Baseline 1GHz system more conventional but transient beam loading is a challenge Train recombination is needed Concept for 2GHz powering system Ultra-low vertical emittance Tight alignment tolerances and challenging diagnostics for beam size monitoring Ultra-low emittance and fast damping achieved with super-conducting damping wigglers Demanding magnet technology combined with cryogenics and high heat load from synchrotron radiation (absorption) Two stream effects e--cloud reduced with vacuum chamber coatings (low photo and secondary emission yield) Fast-ion instability avoided with low vacuum pressure Multi-bunch effects Low-impedance chamber design and dedicated feed-back system Output emittance stability Kicker and RF deflector technology Design Parameters CLIC Energy [GeV] 2.86 Circumference [m] 420.56 Energy loss/turn [MeV] 4.2 RF voltage [MV] 4.9 Compaction factor 8x10-5 Damping time x / s [ms] 1.88/0.96 Number of arc cells / wigglers 100/52 Dipole/ wiggler field [T] 1.4/2.5

Wigglers’ effect with IBS Stronger wiggler fields and shorter wavelengths necessary to reach target emittance due to strong IBS effect Current density can be increased by different conductor type Nb3Sn can sustain higher heat load (potentially 10 times higher than NbTi) Two wiggler prototypes 2.5T, 5cm period, built and currently tested by BINP 2.8T, 4cm period, designed by CERN/Un. Karlsruhe Mock-ups built and magnetically tested Prototypes to be installed in a storage ring for beam measurements Nb3Sn SC wiggler NbTi SC BINP PM Parameters BINP CERN Bpeak [T] 2.5 2.8 λW [mm] 50 40 Beam aperture full gap [mm] 13 Conductor type NbTi Nb3Sn Operating temperature [K] 4.2

Several wigglers similar to the MAX-Wiggler have been built recently List of superconducting wigglers with period < 70 mm produced by Budker INP, Russia Year Magn.Field [T] (max) # of full size poles Period [mm] Magn. Gap Vert. Apert. Liq. He Cons. [litre/hr] Multipole wiggler for ELETTRA (Italy) 2002 3.7 45 64 16.5 11 ≈0.5 Multipole wiggler for CLS (Canada) 2005 2.2 61 34 13.5 9.5 <0.05 Multipole wiggler for DIAMOND (England) 2006 3.75 60 Multipole wiggler -2 for CLS (Canada) 2007 4.34 25 48 14.5 10 2009 4.25 Multipole wiggler for LNLS (Brazil) 4.19 31 18.4 14 Multipole wiggler for ALBA-CELLSc(Spain) 2.1 117 30.15 12.6 8.5 Contact person at Budker INP, Novosibirsk: Nikolai Mezentsev, Email:

Wiggler short prototypes CERN BINP Regular coil Corrector coils with individual PS Iron yoke End coils to compensate the first and the second integral

BINP NbTi Wiggler Field measurements in June showing poor performance (reaching 420 instead of 660A) due to mechanical stability problems (GFP separators) Magnet delivered at CERN for further measurements and verification New design evaluated by BINP and CERN magnet experts Preliminary measurement results indicate that the peak field is reached

CERN prototype with NbTi wire 50 mm period 40 mm period Crash test program at CERN with 40mm mock-up using NbTi wire Reached peak field of 2.5T at 1.9K (2T at 4.2K) Current density extrapolated to 50mm, provides more than 2.5T field Currently continuing with Nb3Sn winding tests

CERN DR Wiggler Prototype plan M. Karppinen MILESTONES: Vertical race-track short NbTi model (2 periods) tested at CERN Nov 2009 Vertical race-track short Nb3Sn model (2 periods) conceptual design completed Dec 2009 Single Nb3Sn coil completed and tested at CERN Apr 2010 Short model fabrication design completed May 2010 Short 1/2-model completed and tested in mirror configuration at CERN Aug 2010 Short model completed Dec 2010 Long prototype (2 m, 50 periods) conceptual design completed (CDR) Dec 2010 Short model acceptance tests completed at KIT Feb 2011 Central and end module models completed and tested Oct 2011 Prototype design completed (TDR) Dec 2011 BUDGET: 1) CERN Staff (cat.2): S. Russenschuck replacing R. Maccaferri 2) Doc. Student (paid by Gentner funds): D. Schoerling Budget (kCHF) 2010 2011 (TBC) Material 20 Design office 18 15 Workshop 32 30 FSU 50 Misc (travel etc) 24 5 TOTAL 144 120 HR (FTE) 2010 2011 CERN Staff (cat. 2) (1 0.8 CERN Staff (cat. 3) 0.6 0.7 Student & Associates(2 1

DR radiation parameters Synchrotron radiation DR radiation parameters DR Power per dipole [kW] 1.2 Power per wiggler [kW] 16.1 Total power [MW] 1.3 Critical energy for dipole [keV] 19.0 Critical energy for wiggler [keV] 13.6 Radiation opening angle [mrad] 0.11 Synchrotron radiation power from bending magnets and wigglers Critical energy for dipoles and wigglers Radiation opening angle 90% of radiation power coming from the 76 SC wigglers Design of an absorption system is necessary and critical to protect machine components and wigglers against quench Radiation absorption equally important for PDR (but less critical, i.e. similar to light sources)

Damping wiggler experiments Need to test the wiggler on real beam conditions Validate cryogenic performance, reliability and heat load evacuation (absorber) Test quench performance under presence of beam and synchrotron radiation (especially for Nb3Sn) Validate measured field quality (wiggler should be transparent to beam stability) Can be combined with vacuum chamber tests (photo-emission yield, desorption) Experimental set-up Storage ring with available straight section of ~3m for installing wiggler and absorber downstream of a dipole or other insertion device Ability to install the cryogenic system Average current of ~200mA for testing absorber in similar radiation conditions For using wiggler as an X-ray user insertion device, K-parameter can be adjusted by reducing wiggler field (need to have good field quality at lower currents) Candidates ALBA (interested for a full experimental program), ATF (reducing horizontal emittance for higher fields and IBS), CESRTA (positrons and IBS measurements), MAXIII (long experience with SC wigglers), SLS (TIARA-SVET work-package for ultra-low vertical emittance studies almost approved),…

Collective effects in the DR G. Rumolo Electron cloud in the e+ DR imposes limits in PEY (99.9% of synchrotron radiation absorbed in the wigglers) and SEY (below 1.3) Cured with special chamber coatings Fast ion instability in e- DR, molecules with A>13 will be trapped (constrains vacuum pressure to around 0.1nTorr) Experimental program for testing coated vacuum chambers SEY in CESRTA PEY and desorption in a storage ring Chambers PEY SEY ρ [1012 e-/m3] Dipole 0.000576 1.3 0.04 1.8 2 0.0576 7 40 Wiggler 0.00109 0.6 0.109 45 1.5 70 80 ρwig = 5x1012 m-3, ρdip = 3x1011 m-3 11

Coatings for e- Cloud Mitigation M. Taborelli LER2010 Bakeable system NEG gives SEY<1.3 for baking @ > 180C Evolution after many venting cycles should be studied NEG provides pumping Conceivable to develop a coating with lower activation T Non-bakeable system a-C coating provides SEY< 1 (2h air exposure), SEY<1.3 (1week air exposure) After 2 months exposure in the SPS vacuum or 15 days air exposure no increase of e-cloud activity Pump-down curves are as good as for stainless steel No particles and peel-off Very good results obtained at CESR-TA (although contaminated by silicon from kapton adhesive tape) bare Al CESRTA e+ TiN TiN new a-C CERN

Experimental Program for the Vacuum of CLIC-DR P. Chiggiato The vacuum chambers of the DR are bombarded by synchrotron radiation, electrons-positrons and ions. Such collisions induce gas desorption and photoelectron emission. The most critical vacuum chambers are those in the wiggler magnets because the energetic particle deposition is coupled with the cryogenics constraints. The experimental program should follow three lines: 1- Design, production and static vacuum measurement of the wiggler beam pipe in cryogenic conditions. 2- Definition of the best surface treatment to fulfill the machine requirements (a-C, new NEG, conditioning). The characterization will be given by electron stimulated desorption in our labs. 3- For the chosen geometry of the DR beam pipes, measurements by a synchrotron radiation facility are proposed: desorption yield and photoelectron yield should be measured at a critical energy not far from the expected DR values. A collaboration with ESRF is being prepared. The aim is the installation of a dedicated bench in sector 31, using the large spectrum of the bending magnet. Preliminary test have been already carried out in 2009. The next slides give an idea of the kind of measurements we would like to perform. Paolo Chiggiato, AVS 56th, San Jose, November 11, 2009

Electron Stimulated Desorption P. Chiggiato The system is baked at 300°C (24h); the sample is measured unbaked and after 2 h heating at some selected temperatures Electron energy: 500 eV --Bombarding current: 1 mA--Estimated bombarded area: 200 cm2 Measurement taken after 100 s of bombardment Paolo Chiggiato, AVS 56th, San Jose, November 11, 2009

ESD of a-C films P. Chiggiato Paolo Chiggiato, AVS 56th, San Jose, November 11, 2009

Photon Stimulated Desorption P. Chiggiato Angle of incidence = 25 mrad C coated chamber Critical Energy 20.5 KeV Angular acceptance 4.234 mrad Photon Flux (E>10eV) 2.94x1015 photons (s mA)-1 Beam Energy 6 GeV Typical Beam Current 185 mA 31 The system is baked at 300°C (24h). The sample is not baked. The sample is separated from the rest of the system by a gate valve (at the diaphragm position, not pictured in the drawing); it is pumped by an auxiliary TMP during the bakeout of the system. At the end of the bakeout, the gate valve is opened. Paolo Chiggiato, AVS 56th, San Jose, November 11, 2009

Photon Stimulated Desorption P. Chiggiato Paolo Chiggiato, AVS 56th, San Jose, November 11, 2009

Photon Stimulated Desorption of a-C films P. Chiggiato The photon desorption yield of the unbaked C coated sample is lower than that of uncoated stainless steel. CO and CO2 are the two leading gases; on the contrary, for stainless steel, H2 is the main desorbed gas. In progress: measurement of baked carbon coated samples. Paolo Chiggiato, AVS 56th, San Jose, November 11, 2009

RF system RF frequency of 2GHz A. Grudiev CLIC DR parameters Circumference [m] 420.56 Energy [GeV] 2.86 Momentum compaction 8x10-5 Energy loss/turn [MeV] 4.2 RF voltage [MV] 4.9 4.4 RF frequency [GHz] 1.0 2.0 Peak/Aver. current [A] 0.66/0.15 1.3/0.15 Peak/Aver. power [MW] 2.8/0.6 5.5/0.6 RF frequency of 2GHz R&D needed for power source High peak and average power introducing strong transient beam loading to be handled by non-conventional LLRF system The 1GHz frequency eases beam dynamics and drives the RF system to more conventional parameters for power source and LLRF Extra complication with train recombination and RF deflector stability Some schemes with longer bunch trains for 1TeV operation of the collider are not compatible with this bunch structure and PDR circumference Choose as baseline in the RF frequency of 1GHz Conceptual design for the 2GHz RF system has to be undertaken in parallel as a back-up solution

RF prototyping and experiments A. Grudiev Conceptual design of both systems should be ready for CDR A second decision of the final RF frequency should be made in the course of the technical design (2011-2012) RF deflector stability measurements in CTF3, for validating the train recombination RF design including powering scheme and LLRF for both frequencies Prototyping based on the final RF design parameters (2012-2013) Design and build 1-2 RF modules and test them in the lab Experimental program for validation (2013-2016) High power RF design (high average and peak power level)  LLRF system to provide beam stability (voltage and phase stability tolerances from RTML) RF system itself in the presence of strong beam loading (both transient and the steady-state) Experimental set-up Install RF modules in storage ring with highest possible beam current and energy loss/turn Bunch frequency should compatible 1 (or 2) GHz (may be used as a higher harmonic cavity) Important to be able to fill ring unevenly for studying transient effects. Necessary beam instrumentation allowing beam size and bunch length measurements down to the level of CLIC DR stability requirements

Kicker design Kicker jitter is translated in a beam jitter at the IP M. Barnes Kicker jitter is translated in a beam jitter at the IP Stability Tolerance remains typically to a few 10-4 Double kicker system relaxes requirement, i.e. ~10 reduction achieved @ATF Striplines required for achieving low longitudinal coupling impedance An “n-cell” inductive adder has been identified as a possible method for controlling pulse shape and achieving high reliability (redundancy of switches) Significant R&D needed for switch, transmission cable, feed-throughs, stripline mechanical stability, terminator (PhD thesis student at CERN, collaboration with CIEMAT) Y.P., 10/03/2010 CELLS meeting

Kicker experimental program Purpose Test kicker stability with beam Validate low impedance design Test double kicker system performance Experimental set-up Need available space to install kicker ( around 3m) without limiting geometrical acceptance Low horizontal beam size is necessary for validating stability requirements 50Hz operation may be required for testing kicker reliability Important to be able to reproduce damping ring train length and gaps for kicker flat top and rise time High single bunch currents for validating low-impedance design Necessary beam instrumentation allowing beam size jitter measurements Extraction transfer line with adjustable well controlled optics for testing double kicker system Candidate ALBA, ATF (especially due to experience with the double kicker system)

Damping Rings diagnostics Turn by turn transverse profile monitors (X-ray?) with a wide dynamic range: Hor. geometrical emittance varies from 11nm.rad @ injection to 90pm.rad @ extraction and the vertical from 270pm.rad to 0.9pm.rad. Capable of measuring tails for IBS This would probably be the most challenging item Longitudinal profile monitors Energy spread of 0.5% to 0.1% and bunch length from 10 to 0.1mm. Note that the dispersion around the ring is extremely small (<12mm). Fast beam loss monitoring and bunch-by-bunch current measurements E-cloud + ion diagnostics 300PUs, turn by turn (every 1.6μs) 10μm precision, for linear and non-linear optics measurements. 2μm precision for orbit measurements (vertical dispersion/coupling correction + orbit feedback). WB PUs for bunch-by-bunch (bunch spacing of 0.5ns for 312 bunches) and turn by turn position monitoring with high precision (~2μm) for injection trajectory control, and bunch by bunch transverse feed-back. PUs for extraction orbit control and feed-forward. Tune monitors and fast tune feed-back with precision of 10-4, critical for resolving instabilities (i.e. synchrotron side-bands, ions)

Instrumentation experimental program T. Lefevre Most important, turn by turn, bunch by bunch profile monitor Necessitates storage ring with ultra-low emittance or very small optics functions (small beam sizes), i.e. in combination with demonstration of ultra-low vertical emittance e.g. SLS (see TIARA-SVET) Diagnostics based on X-rays, need space not only in the ring (~1m) but also for building a small optical line Feed-back systems may be part of the package Need space for feed-back kicker and stripline BPM (most storage rings already have this) High-intensity beam conditions (typical for B-factories) for triggering instabilities (e.g. SOLEIL is limited by FII at top current of ~500mA) Storage rings may be good test beds not only for DR diagnostics but for CLIC in general

LER collaboration Low emittance rings workshop revealed necessity for strengthening collaboration among light source, damping rings, b-factories Established a list of collaboration subjects Collaboration coordinators: R. Bartolini (DIAMOND), M. Biagini (INFN/LNF), M. Palmer (Cornell) and YP (CERN) Subject Coordinators 1 Low emittance cells design M. Borland (APS), Y. Cai (SLAC) 2 Non-linear optimization R. Bartolini (DIAMOND/JAI), C. Steier (LBNL) 3 Minimization of vertical emittance M. Boege (PSI), R. Dowd (Australian Synchrotron), K. Kubo(KEK) 4 Integration of collective effects in lattice design R. Nagaoka (SOLEIL), Y. Papaphilippou (CERN), K. Harkay (APS) 5 Insertion device, magnet design and alignment S. Prestemon (LBNL), E. Wallen (MAXlab), E. Levichev (Budker), PETRAIII 6 Instrumentation for low emittance M. Palmer (Cornell), G. Decker (APS), B. Hettel, T. Lefevre (CERN) 7 Fast Kicker design P. Lebasque (Soleil), C. Burkhardt (SLAC), M. Ross (FNAL) 8 Feedback systems (slow and fast) A. Drago (INFN/LNF), B. Podobedov (BNL), T. Nakamura (JASRI/SPring8) 9 Beam instabilities G. Rumolo (CERN), R. Nagaoka (SOLEIL) 10 Impedance K. Bane (SLAC), S. Krinsky (BNL), E. Karantzoulis (Elettra), M. Zobov (INFN) 11 Vacuum Y. Suetsugu (KEK), O. Malyshev (Cockroft), Schulze (PSI), M. Taborelli (CERN) 12 RF design F. Perez (ALBA), Novokatchki (SLAC), KEKB, P. Marchand (SOLEIL) R. Rimmer (JLAB)