Norville Parent Information Session Lynley Debney –Head of Curriculum NAPLAN 2018 Norville Parent Information Session Lynley Debney –Head of Curriculum
Overview of session. What is NAPLAN measuring? What is its purpose? What do the tests look like? Who will sit the tests? What does Norville do to support students?
What is NAPLAN measuring? Essential literacy and numeracy skills. Aligned to Australian Curriculum. Spelling Grammar Writing Reading Numeracy Day 1 Language Conventions Narrative or Persuasive or Informative?? Day 2 NAPLAN stands for National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy. It tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Day 3
What is its purpose? Provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests. Provide schools, states and territories with information about how education programs are working and which areas need to be prioritised for improvement. One aspect of school’s assessment and reporting process, and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. Point in time test –students sit test in May and results received mid August. Do not inform student report cards.
What do NAPLAN tests look like? Language conventions Spelling Incorrect word identified Incorrect word not identified
What do NAPLAN tests look like? Language conventions Grammar Choose the correct word Locate punctuation Identify correctly constructed sentence
What do NAPLAN tests look like? Persuasive prompt 40 minutes Planning -5 min Writing -30 min Editing -5 min
What do NAPLAN Tests look like? Narrative prompt 40 minutes Planning -5 min Writing -30 min Editing -5 min
What do NAPLAN tests look like? Magazine format Range of text types Six texts Easier to harder Questions Multiple choice Identify order of events Short answer Students need perseverance; refer back to the text, make use of whole text titles , pictures, diagrams etc; Right there, Think and Search, Author and Me, On my ownQAR 45 minutes
What do NAPLAN Tests look like? Problem solving Real world Interpret See Plan Do Check Colour a bubble Short answer Year 3 -45 mins Year 5 -50 mins
Who sits the test? All students in Years 3, 5 7 and 9 in all Australian States and Territories. However, there are some instances where students may be exempted Exemptions ESL Students with intellectual disability or significant co-existing conditions which severely limit ability to participate. Adjustments for Students with disability Support access to the tests and encourage maximum participation. Withdrawals (by parents) Religious beliefs or philosophical objections to testing. Requires formal notification prior to test period. Absences Make up days
What does Norville do to support students? Late November early December 2017 Years 2 and 4 sit 2014 test. Results analysed to identify needs and strengths. Analysis used to target teaching and support students learning in 2018. Teachers released for collaborative planning – identifying key knowledges and understandings associated with NAPLAN –targeted teaching strategies Year 3 and Year 5 IMPACT online writing project NAPLAN PowerPoints –whole class modelling Explicit teaching of Australian Curriculum
Something extra Norville will provide a fresh piece of fruit and a small muffin prior to each day’s testing.
How can parents help? Encourage your child to read regularly and talk to your child about what they are reading. Read a range of texts (advertisements, web pages, instructions etc) at home for real purposes. Ensure your child has had a good sleep and breakfast. KEEP CALM –NAPLAN is not a life-determining experience.
When will NAPLAN occur in 2017? Term 2 Week 5 Tuesday 15th May Wednesday 116th May Thursday 17th May Friday 18th May Language Conventions -40 minutes Writing Reading Yr 3 -45 minutes Yr 5 -50 minutes Numeracy Catch-up Day
Thanks for attending. I hope this short information session has been useful. Examples of previous tests are available if you would like to have a closer look through. If you have any further questions I’m happy to try and answer them. Lynley Debney Head of Curriculum