Structure of the guidelines Reminder on next steps


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Presentation transcript:

Structure of the guidelines Reminder on next steps Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 18 October 2016 Structure of the guidelines Reminder on next steps

Definitions and methods General structure of the guidelines Field-by-field Bird species Population (size & trends) Breeding distribution … Pressure and threats Definitions and methods Bird species Population (size & trends) Breeding distribution … Pressure and threats General report (Art 12) Introduction (Art 12) both Art 12 and Art 17 guidelines have similar general structure

Definition and methods Definition and methods General structure of the guidelines Field-by-field Birds Population (size&trends) Breeding distribution (size&trends) … Pressure and threats Definition and methods Birds Population (???&trends) Breeding distribution (size& ???) … Pressure and threats Field-by-field Species Range Population (size & trends) Habitat for species … Pressure and threats Definition and methods Species Range Population (size & trends) Habitat for species … Pressure and threats General report (Art 12) Introduction (Art 12) General report (Art 17) Introduction (Art 17) both Art 12 and Art 17 guidelines have similar general structure

Definition and methods Definition and methods Definition and methods General structure of the guidelines Field-by-field Birds Population (size&trends) Breeding distribution (size&trends) … Pressure and threats Definition and methods Birds Population (???&trends) Breeding distribution (size& ???) … Pressure and threats Field-by-field Species Range (size&trends) Population (size&trends) Habitat for species … Pressure and threats Definition and methods Species Range (size&???) ??? (???&???) Habitat for species … Pressure and threats General report (Art 12) Field-by-field Habitats Range Habitat area (size & trends) Structure and functions … Pressure and threats Definition and methods Habitats Range Habitat area (size & trends) Structure and functions … Pressure and threats Introduction (Art 12) General report (Art 17) Introduction (Art 17) both Art 12 and Art 17 guidelines have similar general structure

Definition and methods Field-by-field & Definitions and methods Field-by-field Species   Species to be reported 1. Species code 2. Maps 3. Annex V species 4. Biogeographical region 5. Range 6. Population 7. Habitat for species 8. Pressure and threats 9. Conservation measures 10. Future prospects 11. Conclusions 12. Natura 2000 coverage Definition and methods Species FRVs Species to be reported   2. Maps 3. Annex V species 5. Range 6. Population (only trends) 7. Habitat for species 8. Pressure and threats 9. Conservation measures 10. Future prospects 11. Conclusions 12. Natura 2000 coverage BUT for ‘Definitions and methods’: Transversal issues of relevance for more sections should be in front Some sections probably do not need more guidance Both parts follow the order of the sections in the formats

Relationship between guidance documents Field-by-field Birds … Population (size & trends) Breeding distribution (size & trends) Pressure and threats Field-by-field Species Range (size & trends) Population (size & trends) Habitat for species … Pressure and threats Field-by-field Habitats Range (size & trends) Habitat area (size & trends) Structure and f. … Pressure and threats Issues common to the three parts are dealt with in parallel to assure (if appropriate) coherence of the guidance for both Field-by-field and Definitions and methods parts; but they are presented separately for birds, HD species and habitats.