Working Group “Cultural statistics” 21 May 2010 Proposal of the content of the pocketbook “Cultural statistics” 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Working Group “Cultural statistics” 21 May 2010 Proposal of the content of the pocketbook “Cultural statistics” 2011

Table of contents Contextual data: demography, social data and economics (Eurostat statistics) Cultural heritage (UNESCO, DG Education and Culture, EGMUS) Employment in cultural sectors and occupations (EU-LFS) Enterprises in cultural sectors (Eurostat SBS database) Short-term statistics for cultural sectors (Eurostat STS database) External trade of cultural goods (Comext/Comtrade) Household cultural expenditure (Eurostat HBS database) Concept and role of culture (Eurobarometer Flash 67.1/07 on Cultural values) Cultural participation (SILC, AES, ICT + statistics on cinema admissions from Media Salles or European Audiovisual Observatory) Tourism and culture (Eurobarometer Flash 281/09, Europeans and Tourism)

Education (UOE statistics and LFS) CONTEXTUAL DATA General: Population, GDP per capita, poverty rate Fig: Percentage of people aged 0-24 in 2010 and in 2030 Fig: Density of population, population by degree of urbanisation Fig: Non-nationals in total population Education (UOE statistics and LFS) Tab: Highest level of education attained by age group Fig: Tertiary educational attainment by sex and age group Fig: Tertiary students international mobility - outgoing students or inflow of students Tab: Tertiary students by field of education related to culture (number and as a % of all students) Tab: Female participation in tertiary education in all fields and in field of education related to culture, (%) Map: Conceiving art forms as grouped together into an integrated area or a separate subjects in the national curriculum, ISCED 1 and 2 Languages - learnt and spoken (UOE and AES) Tab: Number of foreign languages learned by pupils in general education Tab: Five most learnt languages in ISCED3 Tab and fig: Languages spoken at home (AES) Employment (LFS) Tab: Activity and unemployment rates by sex and level of education

CULTURAL HERITAGE World Heritage List (UNESCO) Tab and map: European cultural sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Tab: Number of worldwide cultural sites on the UNESCO World heritage list, by continent Tab: Cultural transboundary properties in Europe, 2010 European Heritage label (DG EAC) Tab: European Heritage label, 2009 European capitals of culture (DG EAC) Tab: The list of European capitals of culture from 1985 to 2013 Statistics on museums and museum admissions (EGMUS) Tab: The five most visited museums per country and total admissions Tab: Statistics on museums and museum admissions (Nb of admissions per museum, Museums per 100.000 inhabitants , Average nb of visits per museum?)

EMPLOYMENT IN CULTURAL SECTORS AND OCCUPATION (EU-LFS) EMPLOYMENT IN CULTURAL SECTORS BY NACE Rev.2 58 Publishing activities 59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities 60 Programming and broadcasting activities 90 Creative arts and entertainment activities 91 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities From 2008 onwards Labour Force Survey provides the data on employment according to NACE Rev.2 classification. The above cultural sectors in NACE Rev.2 are included in the Services. The employment in cultural sectors may be expressed as a % of employment in Services or as a % of total employment.

EMPLOYMENT IN CULTURAL OCCUPATIONS BY ISCO(88) 243 Archivists, librarians, and related information professions 245 Writers and creative or performing artists Data on employment can be broken down by the following variables: age sex educational attainment level occupational status permanence of job full-time/part time second job work at home degree of urbanisation nationality size class of enterprises but often problem of the small sample size!... data must fulfil the reliability criteria set up by LFS The EU Labour Force Survey, like all surveys, is based upon a sample of the population. The results are therefore subject to the usual types of errors associated with sampling techniques. Based upon the sample size and design in the various Member States, Eurostat implements basic guidelines intended to avoid publication of figures which are statistically unreliable.

ENTERPRISES IN CULTURAL SECTOR (SBS) NACE Rev.1.1 (for 2007; some comparisons, e.g. 2002-2007?) DE 221 - Publishing DE2211 Publishing of books DE2212 Publishing of newspapers DE2213 Publishing of journals and periodicals DE2214 Publishing of sound recordings   KA 742 - Architectual and engineering activities Indicators: Number of enterprises Number of persons employed and employees Turnover Value added Number of persons employed per enterprise Labour cost per employee FTE Investment per person employed Only publishing (221) and Architecture and engineering (742) sectors in NACE Rev.1.1 are available in Stuctural business statistics. The last available reference year is 2007. The publication of data in NACE Rev.2 is foreseen starting with the 2008 reference year at the end of 2010.

SHORT TERM STATISTICS FOR CULTURAL SECTORS (STS) NACE Rev.2 (2005-2009) 58 Publishing activities 59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities 60 Programming and broadcasting activities Indicators: Turnover index for individual EU-27 Member States Turnover index and labour input input indicator are available for individual countries in NACE Rev.2 for 3 cultural sectors (58, 59, 60). New based year 2005 was introduced. Last available data – 2009. EU-27 aggregate is not available yet.

EXTERNAL TRADE IN CULTURAL GOODS (Comtrade/Comext) World market share of cultural goods - world shares of import/export EU-27 trade of cultural goods - imports/exports by group of cultural goods EU-27 Member States trade of cultural goods - imports/exports by group of cultural goods Groups of cultural goods: books newspapers, journals and periodicals works of arts collectors’ pieces and antiques musical instruments CDs DVDs paintings, engraving and sculpture World market share of cultural goods can be presented for the biggest world economies: EU-27, USA, Japan, China Comext is administrated by Eurostat and includes trade data for EU MS. Comtrade is administrated by UN and provides data on trade for all the countries of the world. The common classification is the Combined Nomenclature of products version 2010 (CN2010); The trade data of cultural goods are available for individual products like books, newspapers etc. or at the aggregated level as the sum of the above mentionned cultural goods.

CONCEPT AND ROLE OF CULTURE (Eurobarometer 2007 Flash 67 CONCEPT AND ROLE OF CULTURE (Eurobarometer 2007 Flash 67.1 - Cultural values) Concept of culture: understanding of culture Access to culture (barriers) Cultural diversity - opening to other cultures, cultural exchanges Role of institutions in launching cultural activities and promoting cultural diversity Reasons of learning languages Mostly data are presented at the EU-27 level

CULTURAL PARTICIPATION (SILC, AES) Attending cultural events - data based on SILC ahm 2006 Frequency of going to cinema, live performance and visiting cultural sites Amateur cultural activities - data based on AES 2007 Taking part in a public performance involving singing, dancing, acting or music Making a painting, drawing, sculpture or printing (including computer graphics, designing web sites) Writing prose, poems and short stories Reading books - AES Reading books as a leisure activity Number of books read Number of books at home Frequency of reading newspapers - AES Data can be broken down by sex, age, educational attainment level, degree of urbanisation SILC covers all the MS, but provides only the data on frequency of going to the cinema, live performance and visiting cultural sites. AES module on cultural participation was not a mandatory one but covered questions related to amateur cultural activities, patterns in reading books, newspapers and language skills. 20 countries provided the responses. Due to that the Eu aggregate cannot be calculated.

CULTURAL PARTICIPATION - cont. Statistics on cinema admissions (Media Salles or European Audiovisual Observatory), e.g.: Gross box office revenues - real values (percentage variation) - 2001-2007 Admissions (percentage variation) 2001 – 2007 Annual admissions per inhabitant Number of screens Number of inhabitants per screen Density of screens in multiplexes National film production Market shares of domestic films Market shares of European films

CULTURAL PARTICIPATION - USE OF ICT (ICT annual survey and Special Module 2008: “Individuals - use of advanced services”) ICT indicators for households and individuals on use of computer Households having access to computer, 2006 and 2009 Frequency of use of computer ICT indicators for households and individuals on use of internet Percentage of households having access to internet at home, 2006 and 2009 Percentage of households with broadband connection Characteristics of individuals who used internet in the last 3 months Purposes of using internet Use of internet for advanced communication activities (instant messaging, chat, blogging etc.) Use of internet for leisure activities related to obtaining and sharing audiovisual content (downloading music, films, games, software, etc.) Advanced use of internet for other activities (internet banking, job seeking, selling goods or services, etc.)

USE OF ICT - cont. Frequency of downloading cultural contents E-commerce of cultural goods and contents Purchaising books, magazines, e-learning material, music, films etc. over internet Available breakdowns for ICT data age sex educational attainment level occupational status (employed population, employees, self-employed, students, retired and inactive, unemployed) density of living area

HOUSEHOLD CULTURAL EXPENDITURE (HBS 2005) Average annual cultural expenditure per household (in EUR and PPS), by category Share of cultural expenditure in total household expenditure Cultural expenditure of households in 1999 and 2005 Harmonised indices of consumer prices (HICP) for main cultural goods and services (2000-2008) Household cultual expenditure data come from the last wave of the HBS 2005. Data are classified according to COICOP nomenclature. Harmonised indices of consumer prices for main cultural goods according to COICOP classification. In HICP data according ot COICOP nomenclature are available at 4 digit level. For example CP091 -Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment" CP0911- Equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound and pictures CP094 - Recreational and cultural services CP0942 -Cultural services The list of cultural goods according to COICOP was identified in the expert report of the Ministry of Culture in France in 2007.

CULTURE AND TOURISM (Eurobarometer 2009) The most important consideration when deciding on holiday destination or accommodation Quality of service Price Value of money Cultural attractiveness Eco-friendliness Social considerations Safety/security Other Type of leisure activities on which respondents made the most reduction Entertainment (movies, theatres) Cultural activities Restaurants and cafes Shopping Beauty/wellness Sport and other activities

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