WEEBLY.COM Open Weebly.com and create an account. Create a site Domain Name: Your Name/Portfolio Name ex. mrsjgaines.weebly.com This will be the website for your business card/final portfolio
Log into weebly.com or education.weebly.com Sign up for a free account
WEEBLY.COM Click on the FREE plan
WEEBLY.COM Choose your site type: Site
Choose a THEME TEMPLATE You can always change this later WEEBLY.COM Choose a THEME TEMPLATE You can always change this later
Click on My Site to begin editing WEEBLY.COM Click on My Site to begin editing
WEEBLY.COM Choose and type in your Domain Name Free accounts will be followed by .weebly.com
WEEBLY.COM If the domain name is available, it will turn green and say AVAILABLE If it is not, you must choose another
You can categorize your site now or later WEEBLY.COM You can categorize your site now or later
Here you can customize your site, add pages, etc. WEEBLY.COM This is the editor page Here you can customize your site, add pages, etc.
WEEBLY.COM All elements are drag and drop click and drag an element to the website page these will be your most used elements there are a lot more elements to be utilized, but don’t worry too much about those just yet
Click on the PAGES tab to create additional pages WEEBLY.COM Click on the PAGES tab to create additional pages
Click + Add to create a new page WEEBLY.COM Click + Add to create a new page
Click and drag pages to reorder and nest WEEBLY.COM Click and drag pages to reorder and nest
Click Save & Edit to begin editing WEEBLY.COM Click Save & Edit to begin editing