The Early Ministry & Selection of Disciples


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Presentation transcript:

The Early Ministry & Selection of Disciples Lesson 6

Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum Matthew 9:2-8 Mark 2:1-12 Luke 5:17-26 Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum Jesus pronounced, “your sins are forgiven you.” Where else did Jesus pronounce forgiveness upon earth? Luke 7:47-48 The Scribes and Pharisees accurately recognized sins can only be forgiven by God. (Luke 5:21) Why? Jesus “aware of their reasonings (“thinking evil”; Matthew 9:4) … ‘why are you reasoning in your hearts’” (Luke 5:22-23) “In order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins … rise, take up your pallet and go home.” (Mark 2:10) But He also knew men’s hearts because of His wonderful Divine knowledge and insight (see Ps. 139; Luke 2:35; 6:8; 9:47; 24:38; John 2:24-25; Heb. 4:13).

Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum Matthew 9:2-8 Mark 2:1-12 Luke 5:17-26 Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum The response of the paralytic: He “rose up before them.” He “took up what he had been lying on.” He “went home, glorifying God.” The response of the witnesses: They were “seized with astonishment.” They were “filled with fear.” They began “glorifying God” who “had given such authority to men” (Luke 5:26; Matthew 9:8) They said “we have seen remarkable things today.” But He also knew men’s hearts because of His wonderful Divine knowledge and insight (see Ps. 139; Luke 2:35; 6:8; 9:47; 24:38; John 2:24-25; Heb. 4:13).

Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum Matthew 9:2-8 Mark 2:1-12 Luke 5:17-26 Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum “Son of Man” – In prophecy: Daniel 7:13 Title used almost exclusively by Jesus about Himself. Used in a manner reflecting His humanity and humility. John 1:14; Hebrews 2:14; Matthew 8:20; Galatians 4:4 Used in a manner reflecting His authority: Mark 2:10; 2:28; 13:26; 14:62 Who do you say the Son of Man is? Matthew 16:13

Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum Matthew 9:2-8 Mark 2:1-12 Luke 5:17-26 Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum Physical healing did not demand faith. Spiritual healing did. John 8:24 What was/is a common (mistaken) belief regarding physical suffering and sin? John 9:2, 34. Commonly associated together – physical and spiritual healing. Psalms 25:18; 103:3.

Matthew 9:9 Mark 2:13-14 Luke 5:27-28 THE CALL OF MATTHEW While again by the seashore, Jesus called Matthew/Levi to “follow Me.” Mark 1:13-14; Luke 5:11 Tax collectors as a profession: the “chief tax collector” was known as a “tax farmer” and would employ men such as Matthew perhaps to garner the taxes levied on commerce and transportation. This took place by the sea of Galilee – who might Matthew have collected taxes from? Some have concluded that since Jesus had been teaching by the seaside, Matthew collected taxes on the catches of the fishermen, traders, and ship owners along the coast. Commerce from north (Syria and the lands to the east), and south (Egypt and Arabia), traveled through the region along the king’s highway. Evidence is inconclusive, but it raises the interesting thought of his having taken money from those already following Jesus.

THE CALL OF MATTHEW Two reasons tax collectors were despised: Mark 2:13-14 Luke 5:27-28 THE CALL OF MATTHEW Two reasons tax collectors were despised: They collected on behalf of the Romans. They often/usually collected more than the law required. Some have concluded that since Jesus had been teaching by the seaside, Matthew collected taxes on the catches of the fishermen, traders, and ship owners along the coast. Commerce from north (Syria and the lands to the east), and south (Egypt and Arabia), traveled through the region along the king’s highway. Evidence is inconclusive, but it raises the interesting thought of his having taken money from those already following Jesus.

Matthew 9:9 Mark 2:13-14 Luke 5:27-28 THE CALL OF MATTHEW Would Matthew be considered a great political ally for Jesus? Matthew 9:10-13. Why did Jesus come? Tax collectors aligned with: Harlots or prostitutes; Gentiles and “sinners.” Matthew 21:31; 18:17; 9:10 Matthew “left everything behind.” What did that include? Why would you be willing to forsake all and follow someone? Some have concluded that since Jesus had been teaching by the seaside, Matthew collected taxes on the catches of the fishermen, traders, and ship owners along the coast. Commerce from north (Syria and the lands to the east), and south (Egypt and Arabia), traveled through the region along the king’s highway. Evidence is inconclusive, but it raises the interesting thought of his having taken money from those already following Jesus.