INCREASING ACCESS AND UTILIZATION OF HIV TESTING SERVICES: BEST PRACTICES DOCUMENTED DURING THE ROLL-OUT OF THE ‘FIRST 90‘ CAMPAIGN IN THE EASTERN REGION OF GHANA Asante, Golda Grace1, El-Adas A.2, Abrokwah, E.1 Badu Ofori S3.,Nani R.3, Addo-Tetebo G3, Ohene-Adjei C.4 Technical Support Unit of Ghana AIDS Commission, Eastern Region, Ghana, Independent Consultant, Accra, Ghana, Ghana Health Service, Eastern Region, Ghana, Ghana AIDS Commission, Accra, Ghana
OUTLINE Introduction Issues Description Results Next Steps
INTRODUCTION Eastern Region (ER) of Ghana has a population of 2,633,154 (2010 Pop Census) Region has borne the brunt of AIDS epidemic- Prevalence of 2.6% and 2.4% National-2016 HIV Sentinel Surveillance HIV testing rate in Ghana is very low i.e. 20% in male and 43% in female - 2014 GDHS Ghana launched a National “First 90” Campaign in March, 2016 and the ten administrative Regions initiated actions This paper shares the best practices documented during the roll out of the “First 90” Campaign in ER
ISSUES HIV testing services (HTS) was low Testing rate in the Eastern region was low (42.5% women and 23.7% men knew their status – 2014 GDHS) Increasing access to HTS is critical in achieving the 90- 90- 90 targets by 2020
DESCRIPTION To achieve the “First 90” target, the Technical Support Unit (TSU) of the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC), ER: Initiated the roll-out with a multi-stakeholder consultative meeting A Comprehensive Plan developed Stakeholders adopted innovative strategies such as: events and location based approach to reach both key and general populations High burdened areas
RESULTS 37,050 Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) Materials Distributed 526 (1.1%) Positive clients linked to treatment and retained into care Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) Materials Distributed
BEST PRACTICES/LESSONS LEARNT Effective mobilization of communities for testing- Traditional Leaders, peer educators, PLHIV and Information Services Department Multiple testing service points Expansion of testing to non-traditional location such as House-to-house and night testing Adopted holistic HTS concept-Promotion of lubricants, female and male condoms Active involvement of the media Involvement of community lay counselors Strengthening linkages to care using a two-way referral tracking tool Reaching people in their comfort zone especially during festive occasions can lead to increase HTS utilization
NEXT STEPS The best practices would be replicated in other communities especially those in resource limited settings The TSU will engage private sectors to raise additional funds for HTS outreaches Follow up on positive clients to achieve the second and third 90 targets
Acknowledgement Ghana AIDS Commission- First 90 Coordinator, Mr. John Eliasu Mahama Ghana Health Services Municipal and District HIV Focal Persons Bread and Roses Community Fund, Philadelphia Johnson and Johnson & amref Health Africa (MDI Program)