Example 1: These slides have the correct size (42x36inches) THIS will fit trifold better (red line = folds) font: GILL SANS-feel free to choose other NOTE: there are TEXT boxes here (not title, subtitle) it should be easier to control fonts this way Project Title: Descriptive, No Fluff John Doe, Jane Doe, Cindy Lu Who Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University This is a 42wide x 36high flle. Use this to create your poster. Both slides have the right size. You can go to page set up, slide size, custom. You can organize the content in the way you and your mentor consider appropriate for your project. These are just suggestions of the information that you should consider having in a poster. RISE@WIU undergraduate students, please use the logo of the program in your poster. Summary? Future Work? Significance? asd;lfkj asldfj as;ldfja alsdfjsdfljk Introduction (Abstract??) asd;lfkj asldfj as;ldfja alsdfjsdfljk Results? (figures, tables) Methods? Methods? Objectives? Hypotheses? asd;lfkj asldfj as;ldfja alsdfjsdfljk Literature cited? asd;lfkj asldfj as;ldfja alsdfjsdfljk asd;flkajf;laskjfalskdjfasl;kfjgas;ldfkjasdf;ldfdfjlksfjasldkfj lsflsjlsfjk asd;flkajf;laskjfalskdjfasl;kfjgas;ldfkjasdf;ldfdfjlksfjasldkfj lsflsjlsfjk Acknowledgments? Funding sources? asd;lfkj asldfj as;ldfja alsdfjsdfljk asd;flkajf;laskjfalskdjfasl;kfjgas;ldfkjasdf;ldfdfjlksfjasldkfj lsflsjlsfjk asd;flkajf;laskjfalskdjfasl;kfjgas;ldfkjasdf;ldfdfjlksfjasldkfj lsflsjlsfjk
Project Title Author, coauthors Affiliations Example 2: Project Title Author, coauthors Affiliations This is a 42x36inches flle. Use this to create your poster. You can organize the content in the way you and your mentor consider appropriate for your project. These are just suggestions of the information that you should consider having in a poster. RISE@WIU undergraduate students, please use the logo of the program in your poster. Introduction/Abstract Objectives/Hypothesis Results/Discussion/Images and figures Methods References CONCLUSIONS Acknowledgments/Funding Agencies