Europe and the Americas
Conquistadores What were they? What was their goal? Spanish men who traveled to the new world to “gain” wealth. Used any means to achieve this goal! Killing Deception Alliances How were they able to conquer so many with so few?
The Requirement I implore you to recognize the Church as a lady and in the name of the Pope take the King of Spain as Lord of this land and obey his mandates. If you do not then I tell you that with the help of god I will enter powerfully against you. I will make war everywhere and every way I can. I will subject you to the yoke and make you obedient to the Church and to his Majesty. I will take all your women and children and make them slaves... The deaths that occur from here on will be your own fault and not that of his Majesty nor the gentlemen that accompany me.
The First Spanish Conquests: The Aztecs vs. Hernan Cortes Montezuma II
The Death of Montezuma II
Mexico Surrenders to Cortes
The First Spanish Conquests: The Incas vs. Francisco Pizarro Atahualpa
Spanish Colonial Government Council of Indies was the governing body of the New world. Everything was based on birth Peninsulares born in Spain of Spanish blood Creoles born in New World of Spanish blood Mestizos born of Spanish and Native parents Mulattoes born of Native and African parents Could have “Limpiando del Sangre” performed by the Church For a small fee!
European Explorations
The “Columbian Exchange” Squash Avocado Peppers Sweet Potatoes Turkey Pumpkin Tobacco Quinine Cocoa Pineapple Cassava POTATO Peanut Tomato Vanilla CORN Syphilis Olive COFFEE BEAN Banana Rice Onion Turnip Honeybee Barley Grape Peach SUGAR CANE Oats Citrus Fruits Pear Wheat HORSE Cattle Sheep Pigs Smallpox Flu Typhus Measles Malaria Diphtheria Whooping Cough
Treasures from the Americas!
Mercantilism OBJECTIVES MAIN IDEA 1. Get as much gold and silver as you can. 2. Establish a favorable balance of trade. 3. Get colonies. The economy and trade are essential to the health and safety of the nation. Colonies exist to benefit the parent country How can the government help this policy? Tariffs – a tax placed on imported goods Subsidies – money given by the government to make domestic products cheaper
Triangle Trade
Add to that there was an increase in the supply of precious metals. With all these new commodities that everyone wanted, what was the economic consequence? What does an increase in demand result in? Add to that there was an increase in the supply of precious metals. What does an increase in supply result in? What is the result? Massive INFLATION in Europe – especially in which country? It also created new opportunities to make money CAPITALISM
Colonies Expand Dutch expand into South Africa known as Cape Colony – Boers. It was a refueling stop, and the first permanent colony in Africa The British and French look for colonies in the same in the same areas. This will lead to conflict as their claims clash
7 Years War 1756 Increasing rivalries between colonizing nations War breaks out in Europe and spills into North America and Asia (India) GB vs France (World War I?) Europeans create alliances with native groups to defeat each other (French and Indian War, Sepoys GB wins and it becomes the powerhouse of the world for the next ________________years. 150