Americas Town Hall Jeff Henry SVP&GM Americas 11/29/2018 January 25, 2010 Jeff Henry SVP&GM Americas © 2010 Hitachi Data Systems
Agenda What we are doing right Q3 Revenue & Profit Highlights New Accounts Competitive Review Race to Barcelona Q4 Forecast State Farm File Win Competing Against XIV and VMax Next steps to guarantee success Priorities
What we are doing right Fantastic new account activity Increasing market share! We are showing up Balanced contribution across regions and districts Revenue growth outside of Sun decline Indirect revenue growth GSS YoY growth and strategy CSS quarter and year-to-date growth CSS customer satisfaction remains high Modular sales growth Software sales growth File and Content sales growth and pipeline Operating Profit growth Great team effort of saving $10 million in 2009 and keeping jobs Fantastic new hires Increasing aggressiveness in the marketplace Productivity growth per headcount in revenue and profit Leveraging Hitachi family companies Company $100,000 donation to the Haiti relief effort FY10 - Planning and investing for growth
Q3 Revenue Highlights Totals Growth All Time Record! All Time Record! Q3 FY09 305,290 314,607 281,195 94,464 13,278 72,988 60,257 47,159 6,702 Q3 FY08 306,880 307,180 266,613 65,295 11,376 64,719 38,871 46,432 1,514 Total Revenue Booked Revenue Core Revenue Indirect Revenue GSS Revenue CSS Revenue AMS Revenue Software Revenue File Services Revenue Totals Growth 0% 2% 5% 45% 17% 13% 55% 343% All Time Record! All Time Record! All Time Record! All Time Record! All Time Record! Americas teams selling full breadth of product lines to offset impact of enterprise product life cycle All Time Record! All Time Record! *$ 000s Achieved 92% of AOP
Q3 Profit Highlights All Time Record! All Time Record! Q3 FY09 56,380 2,676 1,548 26.1% 42,609 Q3 FY08 49,085 1,163 372 25.7% 45,150 Growth 15% 130% 316% 2% -6% Total Operating Profit Latin America Profit GSS Profit Gross Margin Sales Spend All Time Record! First quarter over $50. First quarter over $50. Record Profits! All Time Record! Best quarter ever! Change in strategy lead to significant profit increase *$ 000s
New Accounts Revenue generated from 415 New or dormant accounts YTD. Many new customers included in our Q4 forecast
Competitive Review Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Storage -20% -20% -13% 1% Americas -7% -9% -5% -3% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Storage -13% -14% -7% -1% Americas -12% -11% -5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Storage -7% -22% -21% -20% Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Americas 12% -4% 2% 0%
Race to Barcelona
Q4 Forecast Forecasting AOP achievement Total Revenue Total Operating Profit Gross Margin Sales Spend Q4 FY09 294, 657 44, 559 25.6% 47, 961 Q4 AOP 292, 867 47, 078 27.8% 46, 348 Q3 FY08 293, 474 42, 363 25.4% 47, 639 % of AOP 101% 95% 92% 103% Growth 0% 5% 1% Forecasting AOP achievement Projecting profit growth despite margin pressures and spend normalization
Next steps to guarantee our success Adding resources over next 12 months Sales, CSS, GSS, Infrastructure, ASR Streamlining processes and approvals Continued investment in internal systems and tools. Developing enhanced SI strategy for targeted solutions and vertical markets Developing Business Development Manager positions for improved marketing tools and communication throughout Geography. Future Alliance and product announcements Celebrate Hitachi 100th Anniversary FY10 Sales Kickoff
Q4 priorities Finish Strong Continue to pressure competitors Become part of every company’s strategy in 2010 Be proud of your accomplishments and proud of your company