France at War By 1792, France was at war against Austria and Prussia. Leaders in Europe feared the spread of the Revolution to their countries and wanted to protect absolutism. GB, Holland, & Spain joined in against France. France used conscription; by 1794, the army had grown to 800,000.
“September Massacres” Some nobles and priests were being held prisoner in Paris. Rumors spread that these royalists were going to take control of Paris if citizens left to volunteer in battle. Mobs killed over 1,000 prisoners, some of who were just ordinary criminals.
The Monarchy is Abolished The Legislative Assembly was replaced by a more radical group – the National Convention Abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic. King Louis XVI was tried and found guilty of treason against France. Jan. 21, 1793 – Louis was executed by the guillotine.
Reign of Terror By 1793, France was in even more turmoil than when the revolution began in 1789. Food shortages, inflation, factions… The NC created a 12-member Committee of Public Safety – led by Maximilien Robespierre. Why is 1793-1794 known as the reign of “terror”?
Reign of Terror Neighborhood watch committees- neighbors were encouraged to spy on each other and turn in traitors to the revolution. “Liberty cannot be secured unless criminals lose their heads” – Robespierre (He believed terror was justified to defend the republic.)
Reign of Terror Same-day trial and execution About 300,000 people were arrested and between 20,000 and 40,000 were executed during the “terror” Most famous victim- Marie Antoinette 85% of those killed were from the 3rd estate- the common people who were supposed to benefit from the Revolution.
Reign of Terror Members of the NC realized none of them were safe from Robespierre and turned against him. He was executed on July 28, 1794. The Reign of Terror came to an end and the revolution became less radical. The Directory (a 5-man council) held power in France from 1795-1799.