The American War of Independence 1776-1783 The 13 Colonies break free…
The Pot Boils Over… Americans get annoyed with the British because: 1) British taxed the 13 colonies 13 Colonists argued “no taxations without representation” 2) Royal Proclamation line restricted colonists from travelling West 3) Quebec Act was the last straw! Colonists were denied their right to elected assembly
The American War of Independence, 1776-1783 The American War of Independence is sometimes called the American Revolution The “rebels” who supported the war against Britain are sometimes called the “patriots”
The American War of Independence, 1776-1783 The 13 Colonies had been separate entities UNTIL… Their anger against Britain united them In 1774: 12 of 13 Colonies met at the First Continental Congress agreed to boycott British trade until their petition to Britain was addressed (for elected assembly) In 1775 the rebels had several armed fights with British soldiers
Schoolhouse Rock No More Kings Boston Tea Party December 16/1775 A group of American patriots dressed as Mohawk warriors boarded three tea ships in the Boston Harbour. They threw overboard all the tea on board the three ships in response to “THE TEA TAX” “no taxations without representation” The Tea became the symbol of Independence & call to arms throughout the 13 colonies Schoolhouse Rock No More Kings No taxation: You can not tax or charge us for these type of things Unless we have some kind of say in the decisions that are made
The American War of Independence Cont’d… On July 4, 1776, at the Second Continental Congress the rebels drafted… The Declaration of Independence! The Declaration of Independence proclaimed that the 13 colonies were no longer part of the British Empire! The American War of Independence had officially begun!