Web 2.0 Creating Content
What do we mean by Web 2.0? Usually free or close to free Web 1.0 - Viewing Content VS Web 2.0 Creating Content Usually free or close to free Enhances creativity Element of social interaction The Difference
Potential Drawbacks Students are blocked from content Users with computers at home have a distinct advantage Sometime “free” becomes pay Content not exportable from web
Examples Blogs Wikis Podcasting Twitter RSS and Protopage Delicious Flickr Notemesh Web 2.0 Tools We Use In 202 Trailfire http://www.trailfire.com XTimeline http://www.xtimeline.com Bubbleply http://www.bubbleply.com Protopage htrp://www.protopage.com Would these tools we use in EDIT 202 be useful in the classroom? Why or why not?
Web 2.0 - Blogs Short for “web log”. Can be either noun or verb. Entries are displayed in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry listed first. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Postings are monitored by blog creator.
Web 2.0 - Blogs Many blogs can be created simply by clicking to select options and templates. Does anyone know of another blog generator? http://www.blogger.com
Web 2.0 - Wikis Wikis are a webpage or a collection of webpages that allow anyone who accesses them to contribute to the content. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. Wikis... Can be made public (Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_to_edit OR Have the option of being made private (Wikispaces) http://www.wikispaces.com EDIT a page on wikipedia and see how long it lasts Has anyone here ever edited wikipedia? What have been the results? slscott
Web 2.0 - Podcasting Podcasting refers to being able to subscribe to syndicated web feeds of audio or video content Though the same content may also be made available by direct download or streaming Pod-O-Matic: Find and create podcasts http://www.podomatic.com/ The U of A is podcasting now as well. ITunesU As a teacher you can generate class podcasts for students who have missed content. steven.scott49 – yahoo Edit202 - podomatic
Web 2.0 - Twitter People can now tweet each other. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. A Twitter’s Guide to Higher Ed EDIT202 on Twitter
Web 2.0 - RSS Stands for Really Simple Syndication Requires “Aggregators” and “Feeds” Protopage (http://www.protopage.com) is a web page generator and aggregator using widgets as page elements. Google Reader is a user friendly RSS search engine and aggregator. Protopage - edit202
EDIT 202 Delicious Social bookmarking/Online Bookmarks Folksonomy and Tags Suggest a site, help build EDIT 202. http://www.delicious.com Become a Delicious User Add EDIT 202 as a friend Delicous – edit202
Flickr - Photoshare Another example of creating folksonomies and Tags http://www.flickr.com Flickr steven.scott49
EDIT 202 Notemesh A Classroom notes wiki Hard to use in large classes would require constant monitoring for incorrect or innapropriate content. How is this useful for other classes? http://www.notemesh.com/ Create EDIT 202 Notemesh Site Notemesh – slscott@ualberta.ca
EDIT 202 Trailfire Customize a trail of websites related to a certain topic. Search through a database of Trails and create your own.
EDIT 202 X-Timeline Create historical timelines related to given topics Add new events based on their dates in history Great for a variety of subject areas
EDIT 202 Bubblply Import video to create customized “pop-up” videos.
For further interest Check out: http://www.protopage.com/web2point0forteachers Explore Site and Become More Familiar
Special Thanks To.. Jeff Warner - jeff.warner@ualberta.ca Kim Peacockkim.peacock@ualberta.ca