NATALIA ANIKIN-ZAKREVSKAYA My Sweet and Tender Beast UKRAINIAN PAINTER Eugen Doga My Sweet and Tender Beast 29.11.2018 17:42:59
Creativity Kiev artist Natalia Anikina-Zakrevskaya impresses with its tremulous and tender attitude towards the world. Under its ordinary pencil flowers turn into an incredibly beautiful and graceful ode-extravaganza. All that the artist turns his gaze, instantly transformed. Light, transparent, and flying - such appear her still lifes and landscapes. Paintings by Natalia Anikina-Zakrevskaya radiate positive energy and full of kindness and love. All these qualities make the work of the artist is incredibly attractive and literally at a glance magnetizes zritelya.Izlyublennye artist technique - watercolor and pastel. However, Natalia boldly experimenting and often in the same work found several, several techniques.
T H E E N D March 03,2017