From Revolution to Independence How the Colonies Went From Revolt to Declaring Independence
The Siege of Boston
The Siege of Boston Fort Ticonderoga Several events led up to the fight for control over Boston, the center of Colonial Rebellion Fort Ticonderoga Formation of the Second Continental Congress Bunker Hill The Siege of Boston
One Last Attempt at Peace…the Olive Branch Petition Addressed to the King himself Reaffirming willingness to submit as British Subjects His response?
Winning Support for Independence Washington Successfully Forces the British out of Boston Thomas Paine writes Common Sense Winning Support for Independence
Social Contract Theory Divine Right Theory John Locke Consent of the Governed Unalienable Rights God gives the king authority Rebellion against the king is rebellion against God Thomas Paine’s essay won over many colonists who were on the fence about separating from England. It laid the philosophical groundwork for the Declaration of Independence.
Declaring Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson Officially adopted on July 4, 1776 No going back Declaring Independence
“…we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
Why attack King George III in the Declaration of Independence? Who does he represent? Who does Parliament represent?