Booming Economy Chapter 7: Section 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Booming Economy Chapter 7: Section 1

What do we know about the 1920s?

Automobile Industry Henry Ford – revolutionizes production Mass Production – large # of identical products Cars a symbol of wealth Model T- car the ave. American could afford Assembly line production From $850 in 1908 to $290 by 1927 1919 10% had cars, 1927 56%

Assembly Lines and Work Place Scientific Management- reduce time, effort and expense Doubled wages, lowered work day to 8 hrs., weekend off Would become potential customers

Cars Change America Stimulated growth in other sectors Road construction – numbered highways Services – gas, diners and motels Sense of freedom and prosperity Development of suburbs

Consumer Revolution New affordable goods to the public Psychological research in advertising Installment buying – down payment, regular monthly payments