Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Bell work:


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Bell work: What is a Renaissance man? Who would be an example of a Renaissance man or women today?

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Thursday, September 29, 2011 Essential Question: What caused the Protestant Reformation? How did Martin Luther change the religious beliefs of Europeans? (2nd take up homework) Bell work Discuss Dante Notes: Reformation 95 Thesis Activity

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Causes of the Protestant Reformation The Renaissance placed an emphasis on the secular and the individual challenged church authority Rulers began to challenge church power Northern merchants didn’t like paying taxes to the Catholic Church in Rome

Criticisms of the Catholic Church Leaders were corrupt Renaissance popes spent lots of money on the arts, spent extravagantly for their personal pleasure, and fought wars Some even broke the vow of chastity and fathered children (Pope Alexander VI) Priests and monks poorly educated – many couldn’t even read or write

Luther challenges the Church Luther set out to be a good Christian, not to begin a religious revolution Indulgence - a pardon that released a sinner from performing a penalty imposed by a priest – people had the impression that an indulgence could buy their way into heaven Some also bought indulgences so their dead family members could escape purgatory, the step between heaven and earth where people must pay for their sins

Martin Luther

Martin Luther’s 95 Theses October 31, 1517: Luther nails the 95 Theses, his complaints against the Catholic Church, to the Wittenburg Church door Copies become widely distributed throughout Germany (used Gutenberg’s Printing Press) This began the Reformation, a movement for religious reform

Wittenburg Church Door

Luther’s teachings People could win salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness All church teachings should be based on the Bible, not on what the pope or church traditions said All people with faith were equal – people didn’t need priests to interpret the Bible for them

Luther’s legacy Luther credited with doctrine of “justification by faith”, translation of Bible into German, and starting Lutheranism Luther renounces Catholic teachings at Diet of Worms Protestant – Christians who belonged to non-Catholic churches